about boning....

:chuckles: A little too direct in it's language perhaps but I can't fault the findings (apart from feeling sorry for those poor people mentioned in Point 8 who were only $50000 'better off' a week) :D.

Just wondering if this needs to be moved to somewhere like the After Dark forum tho' - I could ask Cap'n Bob and the team, Gran? Or would you like to enquire yourself?
I saw Mark was the last poster and assumed there was some British term that doesn't mean there what it means here.
Sorry Mark.
:chuckles: A little too direct in it's language perhaps but I can't fault the findings (apart from feeling sorry for those poor people mentioned in Point 8 who were only $50000 'better off' a week) :D.

Just wondering if this needs to be moved to somewhere like the After Dark forum tho' - I could ask Cap'n Bob and the team, Gran? Or would you like to enquire yourself?

I leave it up to you. :asian:
I saw Mark was the last poster and assumed there was some British term that doesn't mean there what it means here.
Sorry Mark.
Mmm! 'Boning' here is something quite natural that you do with a knife at an abattoir. Just be careful when you internal guys start talking about 'rooting' though. We're likely to think of your training as being a little bit kinky or at the least, risqué! ;)
I'm still trying to get my head around (so to speak) the $50,000 richer part. I could use the money. :)
:chuckles at Don's words: Well, to be honest, the word 'boning' over here more or less specifically deals with the stiffening (ooh er missus!) panels in corsetry :). Some people use it in it's American derivation but not many.
:chuckles at Don's words: Well, to be honest, the word 'boning' over here more or less specifically deals with the stiffening (ooh er missus!) panels in corsetry :). Some people use it in it's American derivation but not many.

Somehow I find that comforting. I'd hate to think that every unsavory (for want of a better term) American turn of phrase gets coopted by our more erudite friends in the UK. I think that "The Queen's English" would lose some of it's subtlety and charm.
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That Jezebel blog entry seems rather silly considering roughly 85% of Americans approve of premarital sex.

Well, some people need the obvious shoved into their faces before they can change. And if it causes more people to have more sex and enjoy it; I'm in favor of it. But you're ruining a perfectly entertaining tangent by redirecting to the original point of the thread. :)