Aau Tkd

white belt

Brown Belt
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
midwest USA
Hi TKD practicioners,

Any Instructors or students know much about the AAU TKD program/system? How does it fare/compare against other organizations? Are the Dan certifications legit or stop and shop? Opinions?

Thank you,
white belt
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Isn't the AAU program WTF oriented? :confused:
Somebody enlighten me please.
That is my understanding. I am WTF certified, but my GM doesn't like fraternizing with the AAU program due to some political nonsense he would not elaborate on. I had to 86 my GM recently due to his lack of business integrity and am now shopping for new connections with little BS. This is why I am interested in hearing some opinions about the AAU.

Thank you,
white belt
Look up AAU on the internet, they have a website and a link to a dedicated site for TKD.

Mountain Sage

Thanks, but I am looking for opinions that tend to be more unbiased. The website is a good one, but I want an opinion of the store from some people other than the storeowner/management. I like what I know thus far and I have actually spoken to a fine AAU rep. in a nearby town.

I want good things for my students. They are all coming with me to my NEW DoJang and leaving the GM behind w/o my courting them. (The GM pulled some very BAD stunts with me and the school I bought from him.) I am a very lucky man. I respect the students too much to chance leading them into a "blind clusterf#&+". I am more concerned for them than myself. I appreciate any more input you may have!

Thank you,
white belt
They are very organized, offer good clinics for Referees, recognize both the WTF, and ITF, and offer opportunites so that one may test.
Thank you RCastillo! Do you or anyone else know if the rank tested for under AAU auspices is officialy recognized by the WTF?

Thanks again,
white belt
Originally posted by white belt
Thank you RCastillo! Do you or anyone else know if the rank tested for under AAU auspices is officialy recognized by the WTF?

Thanks again,
white belt

That, I cannot help you with. Sorry:(
From my contacts within the TKD world, the WTF only recognizes it's own and to some degree ITF. The AAU has established it's own authority for ranking for self interest reasons. They want to be the controlong force behind the Olympic movement in the U.S. My understanding is that there is a major political battle between the USTU, which has current control over U.S. Olympic TKD and the AAU which has control over many of the other U.S. Olympic sports. Even though the AAU certification program is relatively new, they do have a long history of credibility. My personal opinion is that there trying to become the American Kukkiwon and to me that's not a bad idea.
Thank you Disco!

The AAU VS. USTU thing is interesting. Should I investigate the USTU as well? Do they recognize each others rank?

Thanks for the help,
white belt
USTU is affiliated with the Kukkiwon. I haven't checked recently on their fee's, but I would imagine that they would be comparable to the Kukkiwon's. Since they are formulated from the same guidelines, in order to progress through them, you have to go through one of their certified instructors, plus be a member, plus have your school chartered yada, yada. yada. If you COULD FIND a fair minded Master ranking person with Kukkiwon affiliation, that would be the way to go. The kukkiwon fee's up to 4th Dan really are not all that bad. The problem is that the person submitting to the Kukkiwon for you. They tack on their own fee (because everyone else does it) and then it starts to get out of hand. In addition, unless it's been changed recently, for 5th Dan and above, you have to go and test at the Kukkiwon. Puts it out of my financial league........ Kind of no easy solution when dealing with, them unless you got deep pockets. Hope this info was of some assistance to you.
Originally posted by Disco
USTU is affiliated with the Kukkiwon. I haven't checked recently on their fee's, but I would imagine that they would be comparable to the Kukkiwon's. Since they are formulated from the same guidelines, in order to progress through them, you have to go through one of their certified instructors, plus be a member, plus have your school chartered yada, yada. yada. If you COULD FIND a fair minded Master ranking person with Kukkiwon affiliation, that would be the way to go. The kukkiwon fee's up to 4th Dan really are not all that bad. The problem is that the person submitting to the Kukkiwon for you. They tack on their own fee (because everyone else does it) and then it starts to get out of hand. In addition, unless it's been changed recently, for 5th Dan and above, you have to go and test at the Kukkiwon. Puts it out of my financial league........ Kind of no easy solution when dealing with, them unless you got deep pockets. Hope this info was of some assistance to you.

Yes, this is very true. For the junior dan ranks the Kukkiwon certification fees are fairly modest IMO. What really jacks the up the fee is when the individual schools/dojangs tack on their own supplementary fees. That's when you start talking some bigger bucks to get your dan certificate. I can see adding an additional fee to help cover testing expenses, but, it should be kept within reason... :shrug:
I know this probably belongs on another thread, but just to use as an example of how these schools / organizations have you over a barrel. This is from personal experience. School Instructor has this program. You can receive a School BB certificate - $200.
You can receive an Association BB certificate (style of TKD studied) - $300. You can receive a Kukkiwon BB certificate - $400, or any combination of the three. This was just the costs for 1st Dan. In addition, the actual testing fee was $100. This was a school of a Kukkiwon certified WTF 8th Dan from Korea. If you decided that you could'nt or would'nt submit to those high fee's, you could count on being ostracized from your region or even the state.

The AAU will honor all recognized certifications (understandable their still building). The USTU, to my knowledge as of this date, will not honor AAU certifications (conflict of interest, they feel that the AAU is not a Martial Arts Organization but a Sports Organization).
Originally posted by Disco
The USTU, to my knowledge as of this date, will not honor AAU certifications (conflict of interest, they feel that the AAU is not a Martial Arts Organization but a Sports Organization).

That's actually pretty funny, considering that the USTU is a sport-oriented TKD group. I guess Kukkiwon is pretty adament about theirs being the only real TKD, aren't they? Or do you think it's all really just a fight over who gets everyone's money?
Thank you Disco and everyone else!

I was supposed to test 4th Dan soon according to my (ex) GM. He is a WTF Korean 9TH Dan. He took my back and left my shirt. He then positioned himself to take even more. I, in return, closed my school, which was housed in his building. I am reopening, at a different location, the early part of April. He can't come after me for any remainder of the lease due to my filing bankruptcy. He freaked when I told him no more fees, no more inflated rent, the party's over. No more access to my lifes savings period. I trusted him and found he is little better than a thief. I trusted him enough to not look at other organizations while with him. That day is gone. Any other info. is deeply appreciated.

Disco, I am investigating the links you have shared. Arnisador and the other Admins. have helped some good, honest people by maintaining this forum. Thank you.

white belt
ZEPP, It's ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!..............

White Belt, your more than welcome. Your not alone in your frustation with a Korean Master. I think it's what they've been taught to do when they came over from Korea. Many good and trusting Martial Artists have been down the same road, including yours truly. I'm sure you'll find an alternate venue around your present roadblock and you'll be able to take care of your students and yourself.:asian: