AAARGH! Car problems.


Yellow Belt
May 6, 2006
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
ShaolinWind had motorcycle problems, and now its Car problems for me. Blew a head gasket, but drove a little too long before I realized what was going on. My engine is shot (crack in the block)...I'm going to need another engine. Dagnabbit!!!

Luckily, I managed to pull over in a Texaco "Express Lube"....sure was fun to take my radiator cap off and see brown sludge bubbling out of my radiator. What's even luckier, was that a tow company was a stone's throw away from the Express Lube (literally, it was that close!), and that the Honda service center was only about 6 blocks down the road. Had it towed there, but the news I got a few hours later blew my engine needed, instead of just head gasket replacement. The estimate they gave me was around $4000 smackers. I think I'm going to have the car towed to my regular mechanic instead.

What a way to ruin a sunny friday afternoon yesterday!

Anyway, how is everybody else's weekend going, so far?
I'm not going to complain anymore about the $1500+ I put into my car from Feb - May this year. Your car problems definitely take the cake. Major bummer, though. :(

As for *my* weekend so far, I'm recovering from about 6 hours of training today: 3 hours of Aikido (mini-seminar) and 3 hours of YSKR (class was shortened an hour). My new washing machine arrives tomorrow, and my new dryer on Monday. Which means I need to clean out my laundry room tonight...ugh...
Gee... I'm just behind on my housecleaning; I don't feel nearly so bad now! Of course, we're having our annual TKD picnic at my house and the park across the street tomorrow, so I really have to get it done... but that's nothing in comparison.

That really sucks about both of your cars; kyudogrrl66, at least your car broke down somewhere reasonably convenient, instead of out in the middle of nowhere. I do hope that your mechanic is significantly cheaper than the dealer - they usually are.
Yesterday was my mom's birthday- ate out and had cake afterwards. I have to work ALL weekend long, so so far it's BORING (except friday)!
I am a geek and I keep a spread sheet on my bills and where I spend my money.

The big benefit is I know what I spend on maintenance for a vehicle. When the cost for maintenance is too high I can make the decision to get a new(er) vehicle.

Good Luck on your repairs.
sorry about your luck, new motors are pricey, and the time to install adds up too, a few grand sounds about right. hope the rest of the weeks goes better!
kyudogrrl66 said:
My engine is shot (crack in the block)...I'm going to need another engine.

I got precisley the same news today (not a crack, but the engine is shot anyway)...they want $3500 for a new engine. We're going to trade it in and be done with it.
Sorry to hear about your Car problems... That so sucks!

I actually had a tremendous weekend. I went to a Grappling Tournament on Saturday and helped coach several students that were competing from our school. We did very well with 3 first place, 2 second places and one third. We were very pleased with the performance!

Sunday I spent reading the paper, doing some housework and then going to a great Tai Chi Class. All in all a tremendous weekend..except for the incessant rain..*sigh*


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