A Truly Heroic Cynical Curmudgeon


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
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Every year the nice people, err, acid-dipped pens at The Buffalo Beast come up with their 50 Most Loathsome People of the Year. This year they've outdone themselves. Conservatives will not like their basic political slant. But I think everyone can agree that they are witty, entertaining and as cynical as Ambrose Bierce.

I can only bow towards Upstate New York, knock my head nine times against the floor and say "We are not worthy! We are not worthy!"

For your viewing pleasure, this year's list, complete with caricatures.
Yeah, well at least it's literate. Which is more than you can say for high-dollar conservative writers like Coulter or Malkin.
I think a great deal of that list was pretty on target, although I take exception to the fact that Michael Moore does in his films exactly what Ben Stein was accused of doing with Expelled, but I didnt see his fat lying *** on the list.

Oh well.
HOOOOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEEEeee!!!! Scathing! To both parties! Love it!
Colter is pretty literate dude.

Malken i know by name only, so i cant say

well, I will say one thing for your linked article, they included the Obamasiah on the list.
Yeah but he should be rounding off the top 3 with Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin...esp. considering he hasn't even taken office yet and he's already an overexposed celeb. My housemate has an Obama calendar on the wall in the kitchen (gift from his gf), I went out shopping with my mom and saw Obama coloring books, so I don't see why...........oh never mind, NY is a blue state :lol2:
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Yeah, well at least it's literate. Which is more than you can say for high-dollar conservative writers like Coulter or Malkin.

Well, no, actually it isn't. Unless 'literate' is yet another word that we are redefining to mean 'writes stuff I like'. Coulter and Malkin are literate; they just don't write things that you (or, for that matter, I) agree with.
Doggone it. I keep getting the 2006 list. I'm looking at the google cache as the site is being blocked by the IT police. I'll check it out later.

Yeah, well at least it's literate. Which is more than you can say for high-dollar conservative writers like Coulter or Malkin.

Thanks for the smile with the "I know you are, but what am I?" type post.
yeah, east coast liberals being nasty

not what i find funny

unlike Chuck Norris worshipping texans who thump the bible and blame those queerosexuals for things that have nothing to do with queerosexuals.
Colter is pretty literate dude.

Malken i know by name only, so i cant say

well, I will say one thing for your linked article, they included the Obamasiah on the list.

Colter is a useless homely curmudgeon who keeps her distance from the camera because she only WISHES she could be Elsa the she-wolf of the SS....
Well, no, actually it isn't. Unless 'literate' is yet another word that we are redefining to mean 'writes stuff I like'. Coulter and Malkin are literate; they just don't write things that you (or, for that matter, I) agree with.

I think the term, "literate," as used by Telner, is in reference to the article itself. It's not that Coulter is illiterate, but, like many of her peers, is highly anti-intellectual. Her writings are vastly rhetorical and polemical. There is no effort to acknowledge legitimate counter arguments. Notice her comportment on 2-way and 3-way pundit chats -- she's the one rolling her eyes and pounding her fists.

Oh and she likes to make crap up.

From 1:06 on...

I think the term, "literate," as used by Telner, is in reference to the article itself. It's not that Coulter is illiterate, but, like many of her peers, is highly anti-intellectual. Her writings are vastly rhetorical and polemical. There is no effort to acknowledge legitimate counter arguments. Notice her comportment on 2-way and 3-way pundit chats -- she's the one rolling her eyes and pounding her fists.

Oh and she likes to make crap up.

From 1:06 on...


Fine, but then one can also make the point that the "Heroic Cynical Curmudgeons" who wrote the article that tellner linked to are also highly anti-intellectual, opting for glibness, sarcasm, and caricature - not to mention strawmen and ad hominems - over rational discourse. You can't criticize Ann Coulter's comportment while simultaneously applauding an article that includes, among other things, a drawing of Joe Lieberman ****ing a donkey.
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Just FYI, "literate" does not just refer to people. A "literate response", for instance, is one which demonstrates skill at the art of writing. It demonstrates that the person who wrote it is literate, a person of letters.
Just FYI, "literate" does not just refer to people. A "literate response", for instance, is one which demonstrates skill at the art of writing. It demonstrates that the person who wrote it is literate, a person of letters.

Which is how I originally took your comment. Gordon, I think, went with the other interpretation.