A short story


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About a year ago a friend of mine was in the hospital with life threatening problems. He ended up haveing surgery on his hart and arteries, and a few other organs. It didn"t look to good for him after the surgery and his vital signs where no where near the range they should be in. The doctors had told the family that recovery was 50/50 at best.
About a week after the surgery he was getting a little better but the doctor noticed a strange occurence that seemed to happen at exactly 7 pm every night. His vital signs would stabilise for about 5 minutes. And he would seem to have longer and longer periods of time where he rested better after. There seemed to be no medical reason for this occurence.
The doctor remarked about the events to the patients wife and she broke up laughing. You see 7 pm was the time her husband always practiced his tia chi excersises.
Did he do them in his mind . I do not know but I do know he is alive and that he still practices them at 7 every night.

Yes it is a great story but when rereading it today I noticed that I had but down Hart instead of heart. That was lack of sleep and poor nutrution all day takeing it's affect. Sorry for the spelling mistakes.
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

Yes it is a great story but when rereading it today I noticed that I had but down Hart instead of heart. That was lack of sleep and poor nutrution all day takeing it's affect. Sorry for the spelling mistakes.

Heh, would you like to re-read that last post? You must still be sleepy.

;) just teasing you, I'm one to talk about bad spelling. :rolleyes:
All I'll say is its been a long week already. getting up at 4:30 am and getting to sleep around midnight is starting to get to me.. Luckly I only have a few more weeks on the schueld then hopefuly things will slow down a little.
Not that it will help my spelling:D I just might start to see the mistakes sooner
I may even remember to spell check once in a while:rofl: :boing2:

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