a really fun day!


Green Belt
The New England martial Arts Festival went very well today. The entire event was VERY informal and relaxed. I would like to thank Mr. Arthur Sennott, Mr. Mike Eschenbrenner, Mr. Dan Brady, Kayla Brady, Mr. Alan Libby, Chris ? (Elfan), Mr. Scott Nelson, and all of our other guests and instructors that came to the event. An INCREDIBLE amount of information was exchanged, and new friends were made. We look forward to doing this again sometime, and that we will find an opportunity to visit each at their own schools soon.

Due to unavoidable circumstances, a few of our scheduled instructors were unable to attend, but we improvised and manged to keep ourselves entertained the entire time.

The door to our school and our home is always open to those who were in attendance. We hope to have many more guests in attendance next time we do this. Thank you all for an amazing day.

I will get the pictures uploaded to the net withing 24 hours, and will post the link here... I just need a few hours to let some of the bruises heal. :)

Charles Bedell
Sikaran Institute of Karate
That was great! Thanx, grimfang! I had so much fun, and I got to try out so many different arts! Thanx again!

:asian: KatGurl
yes it was excellent, my junior class (well most of em who went) really enjoyed it as did i. congrats.
The morning started with Mr. Sheldon Bedell from the Sikaran Institute.He was teaching some great defenses against various attacks using cocepts from their system.

Soon after he showed some techniques for my daughter kayla(Katgurl) for use when on a date that goes in the wrong direction.
It was great.

Mr Mike Eschenbenner was up next to teach the staff, I beleive it was a breakbown of concepts of a staff form.His knowlege of interpratation of forms was awsome, both weapon and empty hand.

Mr. Arthur Sennott stepped up and taught systema principles on breaking someones form, relaxing, breathing and constant motion. It was fun to see the suprised look on peoples faces when they were able to take each other to ground with such ease. Then he demenstrated some knife disarms.

Mr. Alan Liddy Taught Kenpo sticks. He showed how the restrain some one using single stick techniques. He was showing less is better when controling your opponent, instead of over kill. He gave many techniqes including tkage downs.

Mr. Scott Nelson various self defense techniques on me of course
including different chokes and grabs. Mr. Nelson is a correctional officer so he gave us insights from his own experiences on restraints and take downs.

Then everyone took time to meet everyone, and again I want to thank Grimfang for attacking me with training blade and live blade for a small impromt demo.

We finished the day Mr.bedell, Mr.Eschenbenner, Mr.Nelson , Katgurl, myself and a few others sorry for not remembering everyones names, showing forms from their systems.

It was truly an awsome day Salutations to the Bedell family their hard work and dedication the arts and for treating us like family thank you.

Respectfully Dan Brady.
An awesome day indeed. Wonderful people sharing their knowledge with dedicated students from so many diverse systems of the art. All in a small town square in a picturesque New England town on a perfect day.

Dan has well described the day, but he forget to mention KatGurl's superb sparring with the Leopard himself, Mr. Sheldon Bedell. Everyone watching knew that 15-20 years from now, the Leopard is not going to want to do that again, unless she agrees to take it easy on him.

My heartfelt thanks also go to the Bedell family, especially Sheldon, for providing a day of great learning, great sharing, and great friendship.

IMO, it just doesn't get any better.
I want to thank all those that came to the event . We had more than a few show up for just a few minutes to say hello and introduce them selves. Elfan came by but had other commitments and I thank him for driving 45-60 minutes just to introduce himself.
As I review the day in my mind, I believe that the goal of the festival was achieved , that being to gather a group of martial artists in one spot to share knowledge, build friendships, and have fun. Everyone that came add something to the knowledge base of everyone else, and I believe that friendships where formed.
People from the town of Athol where stopping by to watch then finding themselves out there in the sun working out and learning things they never envisioned. If they stopped for more than a few minutes we asked them to take part in the learning and many did.
The concept of just teaching in a town common and letting all who stop by join in can produce some interesting aspects to training because, as we all know, those not in the arts react and move differently than those that study.
As to Katgurl, she cheats, no one said tickling was allowed. I want to lodge a protest and demand a rematch. The young lady spent the entire day out there with the adults doing everything we did and was still wanting to practice more as she was leaving. She is a talented and respectful girl who will truly be a strong and knowledgeable martial artist in a few years. I look forward to meeting and practicing with her again.
I hope that next year will have even more in participants. We may move the event to the High School in case of bad weather and to have more room. I know that unexpected cicumstances prevented some people from showing up and I hope that all is well with them.
Again my thanks to all. I will not name everyone for most have been named already but each of you made the day one to remember .

tshadowchaser :asian:
I almost forgot to mention that many of the people who came to the event bought student and fiends with them. To these people we owe a special thank you .
Sorry folks but IÂ’m sun burned, dehydrated, and maybe a little hung over ( from the after get together at my place)
If I think of anything else IÂ’ll post it tomorrow and IÂ’ll try to get Grimfang to get some photos up asap
All I got to say is it looks like every one had fun especially the ladies KatGurl (* Putting the hurt on TShadowChaser *) and Helen putting the hurt on Grimfang.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
All I got to say is it looks like every one had fun especially the ladies KatGurl (* Putting the hurt on TShadowChaser *) and Helen putting the hurt on Grimfang.


hehehe :uhyeah:
Originally posted by Shuri-te

Dan has well described the day, but he forget to mention KatGurl's superb sparring with the Leopard himself, Mr. Sheldon Bedell. Everyone watching knew that 15-20 years from now, the Leopard is not going to want to do that again, unless she agrees to take it easy on him.

haha sorry I missed that! It was great to meet all these awesome people from Martial Talk and elsewhere and I'm glad I had the oportunity to could stop by.
as an after note.
I have been approched by at leat 20 pople at work who drove by , saw us out there, tuned around and came back to watch for a while.
People are stoping us on the street asking if we will do it again and when.
The town people who took part and those watching liked what they saw.
NIce work to all involved. Seeong people in town talk about new ideas and asking about different arts (other than tkd which they all seem to know) is good for the growth of martial arts in the community.
I had to leave the festival right away because of my commitment to teach at another camp... and wasn't around to see the inception of this thread. So my apologies in posting so late.

A great day even for the short time I was there. A big thanks to the Bedel's for their eforts and hospitality. I'd also like to thank Shuri-te for the briefetime we got to spend together.

And odf curse an apology for all those I missed that day due to prior engagements!


We where happy you made time on your schedule to to spend with us that weekend. We are already starting to make planes for next year and hope you will be able to make it for the whole day
We will keep everyone who came posted on dates and what we hope to do

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