A real Qi fight!

That was pretty funny......and it only took him a bit more than 4 minutes........that would be real useful in an emergency situation. :rolleyes:

I tend to go with Beijing University of Traditional Chinese medicines view on such things. Anyone showing you their powers by knocking people down with it at a distance are fake. Or my usual stance is that the the guy doing the qi projection did accomplish one thing...he taught the other guy to fall down convincingly on que
That was pretty funny......and it only took him a bit more than 4 minutes........that would be real useful in an emergency situation. :rolleyes:
I always think that when I see breaking demonstrations :)
how long has that rubbish been trained for?

Because isnt there this idea that a martial art wont survive if it is not relevant so therefore if it has history it must be a useful system.

And benny hymm has the true hardooken.

There's a sucker born every minute!
Lots of people wish to believe in magic and will believe the most ridiculous things, even when there's large piles of evidence to the contrary.
They have a great future in Scientology. It would be a match made in heaven.
Me, either. Yet I watched the entire video. I think maybe I was hoping neither would fall down for the other, and they'd both exhaust themselves.
Same here. I watched the entire thing lol.
So, is this kinda like the first UFCs, where the announcer said the grappling moves were too subtle for lay people to understand them? Cuz I don't understand what happened.