A Possible "Southern Strategy" for Gary Johnson?


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
[h=1]Southern whites troubled by Romney's wealth, religion[/h]
LYNCHBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced -- despite all evidence to the contrary -- that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.
So in this year's presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.
"Romney's going to help the upper class," said Harris, who earns $28,000 a year as activities director of a Lynchburg senior center. "He doesn't know everyday people, except maybe the person who cleans his house."
She'll vote for Obama, she said: "At least he wasn't brought up filthy rich."

Of course, voters like her might be really easy to convince to vote for Gary Johnson, giving him a fighting chance in the election, if his people move quickly enough, and he spends some money....

Of course, voters like her might be really easy to convince to vote for Gary Johnson, giving him a fighting chance in the election, if his people move quickly enough, and he spends some money....


I'd like to see him try, just to bring Libertarians more into the public eye. I don't think he has anything near approaching a fighting chance though. I think the Libertarians had a real chance to make an impact this election year since the public is pretty disgusted with both major parties. However, they failed to make the necessary push from the beginning touting the fact that they are neither Republican nor Democrat, but chose instead to remain mired in obscurity. A pity really, and something that I don't really understand.
All it takes these days is a dozen of your own billionaires..

Gary Johnson has a personal net worth of around $10.5 million-he could easily bankrupt himself trying to keep up with his own money, but he's got friends-and they've got friends........:shrug:

Like Ted Turner, the biggest landowner in Argentina.....and New Mexico.....it could happen.
I don't think it really is an issue of just money. If the Libertarians had pushed, they could have raised enough money to raise awareness, and the increased awareness would have resulted in more money. They could have had a lot of free publicity by sympathizing more openly with the occupy movement, since a good part of it aligned with Libertarian ideals. They chose to do neither though, and simply maintained their status quo as the 'other' guys that never get elected. This year, they pretty much had to work hard to maintain their losing edge, but they managed to do so. Like I said, I just don't understand the reasoning behind it.
I'd love to see him make a push and get more attention brought to the smaller parties. But money rules the day. They'll never let him in the debates, either, I'd say.