a physicists love poem


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
*WARNING* Adult material follows (well, if you can translate it LOL)

Oh darling you mean to me like a plutonium quark on the prism of life
How I long to violate the second law of thermodynamics with you
Or to touch your sinusoidal curves with my second class lever
Be not like Ohm and resist my advances but rather
Become parallel with me and complete my circuitry

For as the sun rises due to the Earth's rotation
I long to collide elastically in two dimensions
Give in to your impulse-for the work is frictionless
And the pressure from false scientists great
But not as great as the universal gravitational force constant that holds us together

Alas! I cannot stop my heat engine from burning inefficiently
Torque me now or lose me forever in the emptiness of an atomic nucleus
Balance upon my pendulum and dispense with the absolute zero attitude
For the night is a pith ball charged positively and I an electron
Ready with my voltage regulator and capacitor to make sparks fly.

I might have to send that around the science department at my school... but if someone higher up translates it, we could all be in trouble!