A Mother's Letter To Daughter


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Found this while browsing... very poignant.

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path"... Agatha Christie.

My dearest daughter,
I remember you as a baby and how often you used to giggle and smile.
You were the sweetest little girl a woman could ask for.
Teachers and our friends raved about how kind you were.
As you became a teenager I watched you blossom into your own person.
Confident, fun, articulate, a gifted tennis player, you developed your own unique charm.
We had so much fun on our family vacations.
Your brother, dad and me, being goofy, playing board games, whatever we did together we were the greatest team.
I remember when you picked out your prom dress and how we spent hours shopping for the perfect shoes...
You looked so beautiful that night and I remember thinking of all the opportunities that lay before you.
Your friends cherished you, you were so good to them.
Always generous, a goodness and so affectionate.
I cried at every milestone and every birthday because I was so proud, everything you did was perfect in my eyes.
I felt so close to you, my shining daughter, you brought so much meaning to my life and our family.

But something happened to my sweet darling. Somewhere along the line I lost her.
I longed for the conversations we used to have and the times we spent together.
I feel invisible to you, I can't get close to you, I can't keep you safe, and that scares me so much.
I don't know these new friends you've been spending all your time with.
I don't know where you are most of the time. But when you're home I need to know that you are safe.
Why won't you talk to me?
I only want to help you, but nothing I do seems to be reaching you.
I feel like I'm pushing you further and further away.
I constantly worry, I can't eat, I can't sleep.
I just want you to be that happy little woman again.
I'm losing you and I don't know how to bring you back.
Please talk to me, I love you.... Mom

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