A mega-concert! Sponsored by...WIC??


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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There is a radio station in Boston that goes by the moniker of Kiss 108 FM. They are a pop music station with a young audience. Every year, they sponsor a huge live event known as the "Kiss Concert" where a number of Top 40 artists gather to play.

Their music is not my cup of tea, but a friend was playing it when I was in his car so I was listening along. When they got to a commercial break, I heard an ad for the concert. At the end of the ad, I heard the big announcer voice say "Sponsored by: The [Massachusetts] Department of Health and Human Services Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program. (As far as I can tell, this is the state-level program that is sponsoring the concert).

I thought this was an unusual sponsor for the concert, so I went to the concert's website.


They aren't the only sponsor, nor are they the biggest sponsor. However, they are still a prominent one.

WIC is a taxpayer-funded program that supplies monies for certain foods to low-income households of pregnant or postpartum women, or their children below the age of 5. Typically covered are formulas, cereals (for children and adults), juices, milk, eggs, and cheese.

Is this really an efficient use of taxpayer dollars? How would you feel if something like this was happening in your state?
How could they possibly justify this?

Does WIC need more press?

This is a predictable result of theft and violence. They take what they want, and don't give a damn about the people they take it from. And then they waste it like this, because they don't value the money to begin with. Unlike the people it was stolen from, who probably could have put it to better use.

A lot of government programs are "sponsors" of events in name only, or at the very least a small donation for advertising/marketing.

It's a Piggyback. The radio station wants to promote the station, and its programming. With increased listeners and event attendees, the station is able to make money and hopefully gain more advertising dollars.

WIC, on the state level, wants to:

1. Promote the image of WIC users (there might be more of them now,considering the economy) and the availability of the program to attendants who might have family members that are in need of such a program.

2. Raise a little bit of money for the event itself. Auxiliary costs outside of the bureaucracy governing WIC include such things like print literature, programming to get users off of WIC, and new infrastructure (such as WIC cards).

By Piggybacking the event, WIC is in the spotlight, gets people talking about it (for good or bad... we're talking about it on a MA forum) and makes a bit of money.

Unless WIC is completely funding the operation, then I say go for it. Waiting around for government funds is a pain... Make a bit of money to cover costs to get a program up and running in the 21st century? Go for it.

Again, unless it's a WIC-funded event, then it's a win-win situation for the event, its producers, and WIC.
This isn't a piggyback for WIC.

Check out the website of the concert. You'll see WIC in with corporate sponsors such as Comcast Cable as well as a local Toyota dealership.

On the main page, along with the artists, you'll see a notation for the Genesis Fund. THIS is the piggyback for the event. More details on their FAQ page:


I’ve heard KISS Concert benefits the Genesis Fund. What is the Genesis Fund?
The Genesis Fund is a highly effective, non-profit organization that provides funding or the specialized care and treatment of children born with genetic diseases, birth defects, and mental retardation. The Genesis Fund is a major beneficiary of funding raised nationally by the Children's Miracle Network. Among the many programs funded by The Genesis Fund is Therapy and the Performing Arts which provides children and young adults with physical and intellectual disabilities the opportunity to enjoy various arts and recreational programs in addition to receiving therapeutic benefits from their participation. Since 1986 The Genesis Fund has been the sole beneficiary of KISS Concert. Over the years, the KISS Concert is proud to have raised more than 1 million dollars. This year, KISS Concert hopes to increase the awareness for this tremendous organization. Click here for more information.
Also, an unrelated story about WIC agencies in California had this quote:

WIC agencies in Riverside and San Bernardino counties saw their combined enrollment climb to 162,375 last month, and the gain put each about 5,000 over its capacity. Program managers said they have scaled back their advertising, although they emphasized that no one who is eligible is being turned away.
I can't recall the PC term for the welfare office here in CA, but, they advertise too...
I can't recall the PC term for the welfare office here in CA, but, they advertise too...

Its possible that broadcast ads are gifted. Broadcasters need to do a certain amount of community outreach in order to stay within the good graces of the FCC. Offering airtime to a public facing agency (such as WIC or the Dept. of Transitional Assistance) is one way to do that. But secondary sponsorships of concerts?

Granted, I don't know the full details of the arrangement between WIC and the radio station but...I do have to admit I don't like the way it looks.
Its possible that broadcast ads are gifted. Broadcasters need to do a certain amount of community outreach in order to stay within the good graces of the FCC. Offering airtime to a public facing agency (such as WIC or the Dept. of Transitional Assistance) is one way to do that. But secondary sponsorships of concerts?

Granted, I don't know the full details of the arrangement between WIC and the radio station but...I do have to admit I don't like the way it looks.
There was some discussion on the local talk radio station about welfare's ad budget. It's one of those things that doesn't need advertised, if you need it, you'll find it...

If you don't like the way it looks, then contact them and ask about the details of the arrangement with the KISS Concert. What you learn might clear up any questions about what they are doing (they're Piggybacking, wasting tax payer dollars, or perhaps something in between).

True. I work in the industry and get PSA spots weekly asking that we run them. It's in our interest to run PSAs and promote community related causes and programs because it improves our image in the community. We actually reserve a certain amount of inventory on our networks for this purpose. It's good PR. (Shoot, I did one with the YMCA a few years back and got some "free" advetising for the MA school where I taught at the time :))

...so that may be the case here.

However, government agencies do have a budget that is used to make the public aware of available programs that can help them in times of need, and of course the money used is primarily from your taxes. BUT...consider this: If you were in need and didn't know aid was available how would you get it? lol

Now, WIC is a program that is pretty widely known so I agree that my "argument" in regard to that specific program may be weak, but if they don't use the money allocated, then they lose it. Where it goes...I don't know really...I don know it doesn't go back into my pocket. lol

I would be more concerned with the government official that determined the ad budget for WIC and how it was justified if that is indeed the case here and it's simply not a PSA related sponsorship. IF so, it wouldn't be the first time and certainly not the last time we discovered that our taxes are not being spent efficiently and/or effectively.