A little off topic but..


Orange Belt
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Southern Illinois
I was surfing the net and I found this website. http://www.blackbelttv.com and I love it. I have watched it alot lately. I wish it was on direct tv. I did a search to see if this has already been discussed and didn't find it. Anyway, if everyone already knows about it... SORRY... If not, you should check it out, it is pretty cool.
Verizon carries it on their FIOS service. Unforunately, they don't have a lot of content yet (the same 3 or 4 fights, same 3 movies, smae cartoon reruns). Hopefully it will grow into something.

Also, as attractice as they are...the so-called VJ's are really annoying.

I have watched almost 5 movies so far. I haven't seen any fights yet. I watched fist of legend and kickboxer as well as a couple movies that I don't know the name of.. This type of thing is way over do. If we can have 8 music video channels (that don't play videos), golf channel, sewing channel, fit tv, and a NASCAR channel we can have a Martial Arts channel on Direct TV.. When will those clowns that operate the business wake up and realize that there are ALOT of poeple that practice Martial Arts and this would be good.