A hearty "Thanks" for the Thanksgiving in the Northwest!


A heartfelt "thank you" to my friend Les Sipes and his family, for the wonderful time spent with you, your family, and your students.

Mr. Sipes, (the promoter of the Northwest Reunion of Warriors), and a student of Mr. Steve LaBounty, invited me up for a workshop with his students and to enjoy Thanksgiving with his family.

If there is a warmer bunch of individuals in the Northwest.... I'd like to know where! These folks were tops in treatment of my boys and myself.

I enjoyed conducting a couple of short workshops (one working and one question an answer) for Mr. Sipes. The working workshop was on the importance of strong and correct stance structure, as well as several of the different "Star Block Drills". Going over some of the basics and talking about not just being able to do the basics, but doing them well, meaning..... sharp, proper delivery, correct structure, follow correct paths etc.

Of course, we touched on several side subjects as well, a lot of questions and a lot of energetic faces hungry for Kenpo.

Helping my new little brother Les (since we both study with Mr. LaBounty), is part of what Kenpo is all about. Assisting close family members is a must if you are in the lineage under Mr. LaBounty.

Of course we bring the Ed Parker System to Life as well, teaching the principles and executions that Mr. Parker left us as a guide.

I am proud to be a friend of Mr. Sipes and group!

It was a memorable Thanksgiving for my family!
Thank you all!

It was certainly our pleasure to be able to host you, DennisII and Stephen.
We enjoyed your spirit, knowledge and insight. You and the boys are always welcome. A home is the place you go for warmth and laughter, and this is your Northwest home.

I highly recommend a weekend with Mr. Conatser to get, as I like to say, "Back to the Rock", and appreciate the need for all martial artists to return to the beginning to keep your humility and tighten the basics.

I need to admit, Sir, you and I working "Flashing Wing" in the hallway, made me understand what it would be like be twins just before delivery.

I apologize for flying out so early on Friday, but we needed to beat a storm to Sigung LaBountys lesson, or reap the Sigungs storm for being late, I know you understand.

Again, you are family and there is always a place for you.

OSS! Les Sipes
Mr. Conatser,

I wanted to also thank you for the wonderful seminars up here in the Pacific Northwest. It is truly a pleasure to watch a seminar that goes back to the basics of an art that means so much to us up here in our part of the country. The fellowship combined with the knowledge made for an incredible experience for everyone involved.


Clint Connely
Mr. Conaster,

It is always a JOY to be around you. Thank you (and your boys!) for your time. It was great to get back to basics in your lesson on Tuesday and to listen to some history on Weds. Thank you for breaking bread with us and for the time you spent with us off the mats. Please tell Dennis and Stephen thank you for for sharing their dad.


(Liv says hi :) )
Mr. Conatser,

Thanks again for the great opportunity we had to share some time with you and have our questions answered. I really appreciated your "painting the wall" analogy -- Many of us went straight home thinking about that second coat!

Thank you for your kind words towards Mr. Sipes and our Kenpo family. We look forward to next time!

Scott Bradley
Thank you, Mr. Contaser, for spending time with us at SilkWind. I'm sorry that I was only able to come to one of your seminars. It was wonderful.

Thank you, Mr. Sipes, for arranging these workshops for us.

We look forward to your next visit.
