A Disappointing Terrorist Group


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Got this off a friend's Facebook status ... :lol:

So there's an Islamic separatist group in the Philippines with an armed faction that's around 7,000 strong: the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. I wonder how many young Filipinos were disappointed after joining because they thought they'd be "hooking up with MILF."
That reminds me of another horrifying news item:

An illegal dog fighting ring in Essex has folded after inexperienced criminals attempted to set up a vicious dog fighting ring using golden retriever puppies. Romford police arrested seven suspects yesterday and removed a large quantity of dog-fighting paraphernalia including six spiked dog collars, dog bowls labelled ‘Killer’, ‘Psycho’ and ‘Tyson’, and six cute puppies with a quantity of extra soft toilet tissue.
That reminds me of another horrifying news item:

An illegal dog fighting ring in Essex has folded after inexperienced criminals attempted to set up a vicious dog fighting ring using golden retriever puppies. Romford police arrested seven suspects yesterday and removed a large quantity of dog-fighting paraphernalia including six spiked dog collars, dog bowls labelled ‘Killer’, ‘Psycho’ and ‘Tyson’, and six cute puppies with a quantity of extra soft toilet tissue.
That falls under "stupid criminals thread" or "they walk among us".

Purty idiotic if you ask me. Heh..