A different perspective


Green Belt
Heres an interesting look at what internal power is:

From Cheng Hsin: The Principles of Effortless Power by Peter Ralston -

On the Intrisic Force of the Body-Being
Energy and matter are essentially the same, but manifest differently. All things, including the tissues of the body, have an inherent binding quality, an intrisic strength of their own. We can use this intrinsic physical quality, tap it in our own bodies, by continuously flowing into the gravitational pull and working with the pressure created by sinking into the planet. However, this is only possible through the direction of feeling-awareness or intention, and is only powerful when done with a wholeness in our conceptualization; therefore awareness and intention also represent an aspect of internal power.
The energy that we feel in and around the body, feeling in general, and adoption of any particular state or conceptualized energy form, also appear to be qualitites intrinsic to human phycho-physical existance. Our ability to create states or invent objectified qualities in our life force as well as to notice the existing energy of the body-being, which is the force or power of being alive, action, impulse, volition, thinking and feeling, is the intrinsic nature of a living body, or being alive. Aligning with that force of being puts us at the source, a position of effortless power.
Being concious of the real present condition, and what it takes to affect it appropriately, is real internal power. This is not an abstraction, however, but a very real, direct feeling-perception; and all actions, such as feeling, awareness and body movement, must arise accordingly...
Of course, internal power goes beyond the mind, and beyond our ability to perceive with our intellect or common perceptions what it is or how it works. Nevertheless, the life force, which essentially is all internal power and life itselt, works regardless of our intellectual grasp of it

I like the way he puts things together, kind of defining it in a different way than usual. He does talk directly about "Chi' and goes in depth about how to tap the power of the earth by being relaxed and "aligning the body to its immediate purpose"

The Five principles of body-being
1. Being Calm
2. Relaxing
3. Centering
4. Grounding
5. Being whole and total

In his theory, he basically states that when you hit somebody properly, you are really hitting them with "the floor" because your entire body is in direct connection to the Earth.

Any thoughts are welcome on this. I dont mean it to be a debate on the existance of Chi but feel free to comment on the writing.


well if u noticed that most chinese martial arts require standing-on-stake which means grounding/connecting urself with the earth to built powerful internal energy.

so the terms of "flooring" the opponent is correct, as the power comes from the earth and directed to the opponent. well, of course only those who has succeeded in their training are capable to do so.
well if u noticed that most chinese martial arts require standing-on-stake which means grounding/connecting urself with the earth to built powerful internal energy.

so the terms of "flooring" the opponent is correct, as the power comes from the earth and directed to the opponent. well, of course only those who has succeeded in their training are capable to do so.

Im not sure what you mean by "standing-on-stake"?

But yes, it does require a great deal of understanding and success in training to be able to actively apply these principles in combat...
Standing on stake is a form of stance training and almost all CMA style have some sort of Stance training. Xingyi has Santi shi Tai Chi has stake and simply pick a posture and stand in it for a while and do not move.

In Tai Chi the whole idea is directing the force from your legs to you waist and then to where it needs to be.

Xingyi Santi Shi is aligning your body so it will be correct in stance to help you hit with full force coming from the forward momentum and the root (your feet) on the ground. This has a lot to do with the freight train feel when a Xingyi person hits you.

Yiquan bases, from what I understand, a lot of its training on different types of stance training including standing stake (or post or pole). I imagine Bagua has its own type of stance training as well.

Internal styles are big on this sort of thing.

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