The Michigan Charitable Gaming Commission (part of the Michigan state lottery system) approached me and asked for permission to use some of the photos I took of veterans at a recent Veteran's Day parade in Detroit for the backs of playing cards to be distributed to licenses as a premium. Of course I gave my permission. They kindly sent me several packs of the cards; must say I enjoy seeing my work in print; never thought I'd see them on the backs of playing cards, though!

Veteran photos from Wigwam Jones by L Dundon, on Flickr
I take photos of veterans every year at annual Veteran's Day and Memorial Day parades and events; it's my way of saying 'thank you' to our men and women of our armed forces.

Veteran photos from Wigwam Jones by L Dundon, on Flickr
I take photos of veterans every year at annual Veteran's Day and Memorial Day parades and events; it's my way of saying 'thank you' to our men and women of our armed forces.