743 pounds of marijuana found in septic tank truck, Arizona police say

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
743 pounds of marijuana found in septic tank truck, Arizona police say

(CNN EXCERPT) -- In a messy drug bust this week, investigators uncovered more than 700 pounds of marijuana stuffed in a septic tank truck full of human waste, Arizona police said Friday.
And the search of the truck was as awful as it sounds.
"Yeah, that really does suck," Arizona Department of Public Safety spokesman Bart Graves told CNN. "It's a long way to go to make a bust."
Hidden in the holding tank of the truck were 743 pounds of pot, worth about $409,000 on the street, police said in a news release.
An officer pulled over the septic tank truck Wednesday after a check of the license showed it was invalid, police said. The truck was headed northbound on I-19 and stopped about 35 miles south of Tucson, Arizona. Police patrolling the area tend to be more vigilant, Graves said, because the interstate -- which leads directly to Mexico -- is a major thoroughfare for drug and human trafficking.
After the stop, the officer discovered that the commercial vehicle markings on the truck were also invalid. A subsequent search revealed the bales of marijuana in red and orange packages amid the waste.
Some good Sh**?
Good ****, crappy job....

I was going to add my own smartass comments, but I got nothing...brains not working...
It's 1:00am, I'm going to bed...
Personally...if I was the LEO who made that bust, I would have taken one look at the dope floating in that poop cocktail and just waved that truck on...
Should have cut a few holes in the bag, and then thrown it back into the cesspool. You'd have a lot of angry customers...
Should have cut a few holes in the bag, and then thrown it back into the cesspool. You'd have a lot of angry customers...
Angry customers... maybe... but more of the angry dealers type who'd probably kill the driver for getting pulled over and the guys who set up the truck not checking to make sure it wouldn't get pulled over, and losing the shipment.

T'was a good idea and probably would've worked if the truck was legal. Still, what possessed the cop to even think about looking into the holding tank to begin with. The smell alone would've kept me at a distance.
I heard smoking gets you crap faced, but this is a bit much...........

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