7 year old wears KKK Costume for Halloween


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Covington, WA
Also saw a story that a college student went as a Boston marathon bomb victim.

It's "news" because people will click on stories like this over stories on Syria.
Also saw a story that a college student went as a Boston marathon bomb victim.

It's "news" because people will click on stories like this over stories on Syria.

Your definition of news and mine are very different then
Wait a minute. Who forced you guys to click on the thread? Isn't it a little ironic that you guys are talking about people clicking on this story over others, when you did the same? I added a pretty explicit subject line, so it's not like you got other than what you expected.
Wait a minute. Who forced you guys to click on the thread? Isn't it a little ironic that you guys are talking about people clicking on this story over others, when you did the same? I added a pretty explicit subject line, so it's not like you got other than what you expected.

So you think its news?
So you think its news?
Define "news." This is how google defines the term:
[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    newly received or noteworthy information, esp. about recent or important events

Do I think it's noteworthy? Clearly, since I shared the link, I think that the mom's judgement was notably horrible. Is it important? Not really, but it is newly received (just read it today), noteworthy (in that the mom displayed particularly poor judgement) and it was recent (happened just a few days ago). So, I mean, yeah. I'd call it news. Is it important news? No.

What I'm trying to understand is what about this story prompted you to comment in such a way. I've seen similar threads on equally unimportant topics, and don't recall this kind of reaction from you. I may have missed it, but what about this story bothers you so much that you not only read it, but felt compelled to comment on it.
Define "news." This is how google defines the term:
Didnt ask for Googles def. I asked for yours
Do I think it's noteworthy? Clearly, since I shared the link, I think that the mom's judgement was notably horrible. Is it important? Not really, but it is newly received (just read it today), noteworthy (in that the mom displayed particularly poor judgement) and it was recent (happened just a few days ago). So, I mean, yeah. I'd call it news. Is it important news? No.
So why her? There are 1000's of examples of bad parents everyday of the year
What I'm trying to understand is what about this story prompted you to comment in such a way. I've seen similar threads on equally unimportant topics, and don't recall this kind of reaction from you. I may have missed it, but what about this story bothers you so much that you not only read it, but felt compelled to comment on it.

It wasnt directed at you it was directed at the person that took the picture and posted it to the news stations facebook page. I dont see why they felt this was news and needed to post it.
My first thought when I saw the title was it was a joke like the Clayton Bigsby skit by Dave Chappelle so thats why I clicked on it
Language not work or kid safe
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Didnt ask for Googles def. I asked for yours
The Google definition works for me and aligns with my general understanding of the term.

And I asked you for yours. I still don't see you sharing it. You seem to be very evasive to me.
So why her? There are 1000's of examples of bad parents everyday of the year
Because she dressed her kid up in a KKK outfit and sent him off to school. Seems pretty straightforward to me.
It wasnt directed at you it was directed at the person that took the picture and posted it to the news stations facebook page. I dont see why they felt this was news and needed to post it.
No worries. I understand what you're saying.
My first thought when I saw the title was it was a joke like the Clayton Bigsby skit by Dave Chappelle so thats why I clicked on it
Language not work or kid safe
Chappelle was great until he went off the deep end.
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Also saw a story that a college student went as a Boston marathon bomb victim.

It's "news" because people will click on stories like this over stories on Syria.

It seems that a lot of people love to be outraged by stupid ****. I think it makes them feel better about themselves. Troll 'news' sites like Gawker, Jezebel, Rawstory, and many others appreciate the revenue enhancing outrage they help manufacture. Unfortunately, this kind of news trolling is finding its way on to news sites as they also look to increase their own online revenues.
Outraged by stupid ****? I don't know, crushing. If a kid showed up at my daughter's elementary school wearing a KKK outfit, or a slutty tree outfit, or a hitler outfit or something along those lines, I'd have a problem with it. Outrage is a strong word, but I think it could fit, because I do find a KKK costume on a 7 year old to be outrageous. Why is that stupid to you?

Here's another question. Is there an outfit that would be out of bounds, in your opinion? What would cause an appropriate level of outrage? If a 7 year old dressed up as Osama Bin Laden? What about a prostitute? I ask, because I'm trying to figure out first, if there's a line in your opinion. And if so, where is that line? Can you give an example of any costume you would deem outrageous for a 7 year old?
Yeah, doesn't the kids mom realize by sending the kid in a kkk outfit she simply highlights the history of the democrats...
Yeah, doesn't the kids mom realize by sending the kid in a kkk outfit she simply highlights the history of the democrats...
Ha. I'm just guessing, but I'm pretty sure that the mom isn't a democrat. Maybe, but not likely. :)
Outraged by stupid ****? I don't know, crushing. If a kid showed up at my daughter's elementary school wearing a KKK outfit, or a slutty tree outfit, or a hitler outfit or something along those lines, I'd have a problem with it. Outrage is a strong word, but I think it could fit, because I do find a KKK costume on a 7 year old to be outrageous. Why is that stupid to you?

Here's another question. Is there an outfit that would be out of bounds, in your opinion? What would cause an appropriate level of outrage? If a 7 year old dressed up as Osama Bin Laden? What about a prostitute? I ask, because I'm trying to figure out first, if there's a line in your opinion. And if so, where is that line? Can you give an example of any costume you would deem outrageous for a 7 year old?
I'm a little surprised that you didn't know racism exists all over the place. You think this is the first 7 year old dressed like a Klansman.
I understand why there would be outrage but I find it a strange peculiarity of our society that dressing up as something like Jack The Ripper for Halloween might be deemed by most as acceptable, but going as a modern day 'monster' like Hitler would be an atrocity.
I'm a little surprised that you didn't know racism exists all over the place. You think this is the first 7 year old dressed like a Klansman.
I'm glad I can still surprise you, ballen. :) Are you interested at all in answering the questions I posed in the thread you quoted?
I understand why there would be outrage but I find it a strange peculiarity of our society that dressing up as something like Jack The Ripper for Halloween might be deemed by most as acceptable, but going as a modern day 'monster' like Hitler would be an atrocity.
For what it's worth, I think that the salient elements here are that it's a 7 year old child who, I believe, wore the costume to a public school.
I'm glad I can still surprise you, ballen. :) Are you interested at all in answering the questions I posed in the thread you quoted?
About costumes? There is nothing I have seen costume wise that "shocks" me. There are def no costumes I'd find so shocking I'd go to the news about.
About costumes? There is nothing I have seen costume wise that "shocks" me. There are def no costumes I'd find so shocking I'd go to the news about.
Okay. Fair enough. You're okay with 7 year olds wearing KKK costumes at school. Simple enough, but for what it's worth, I don't like it.
For what it's worth, I think that the salient elements here are that it's a 7 year old child who, I believe, wore the costume to a public school.

It's just not appropriate, I get that.

There might be an interesting wider discussion to be had though. For example: An adult going fancy dressed as Hitler or a KKK member to a party might not as distasteful, depending on the motives; both can be representative of "monstrous" human beings.