Yes, the mantis system prides itself when it comes to speed. But then again you need to practice constantly in order to develop the none-telegraphing action, that takes time and years, but once you master that your speed is greater because your opponent can not see the action.
7-Star Mantis is an external style, even though we do have some Qi Qong exercises that we do. On the question about emitting electricity: This is where the science world will come into play and tell you that the body can not emit electricity as some people have you believe. First there is no mysticisimn in martial arts, this is what some of the old masters used to do in the past, when they came here to the states, in order to get students and make them believe that they had mystical powers by training Kung Fu.
You are correct when you say that the body emits electricity, we are all a ball of energy and energy attracts energy, Einstein said it better e=mc2.
There are some people that have stronger Chi then others, do to how they take care of their bodies and practice Qi Qong, and they can do "Touch Healing" usually the Reiki Masters.
But I have also heard rediculous comments of master putting out a candle light from a distance, these are all tricks and you have to be careful. Just go back to history during the "Boxer Rebellion" the people that faced the westerners during the rebellion were taught to believe that they practiced "Spiritual Kung Fu" and that their bodies would be able to stop the bullets that the westerners were using. Now, we know what happened to all of them, (they died).
All I can say is practice hard, there is no art better then the other, all arts offer just different concepts of combat, but you the individual is the one who needs to make himself a superior warrior to the next person, and in battle the one with the best strategy "WINS". Hope this helps.