59% of "Tuna" Eaten by Americans is Not Tuna


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Airstrip One
My wife loves Sushi. I wonder what she is eating? :idunno:
oily anal leakage?

compared to what other leakage? :lol:
You gotta love US usage...anal makes it like 10x worse!

so you get the oily runs...it's not like the users of a certain fat blocking weightloss drug did not experience that before....

But yea, the mislabeling sucks.
It's like the 'beef lasagna' that is 60-100% horse.
Although, horse does not cause gastric upsets....

Keel holen, the only answer to fraud like that!
Tastes like tuna...
I couldn't find the list of restaurants, grocery stores, and sushi venues that sold the mislabeled product(s), even when I followed the links back to oceana.org. Are they not releasing this very important part of the story?
Eh, I don't eat "white tuna" at Sushi establishments anyway.. . I'll continue to take my risks. Pretty crappy business practices though. If I'm paying for something, I'd at least like to know I'm getting what I actually paid for.
I rarely get the chance to quote Beavis... "Are you threatening me?"

LOL, if I were I'd threaten to send Gurkhas with one of their curries :lol:

I've never understood this macho thing to need to prove yourself by eating hot curries, beer and annoying the Indian waiters.

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I am not sure I have had escolar. It does sound delicious and I don't think I would wolf down enough to result in the given...um...gastric upset.

I might not eat it on the day before a hike, tho ;)
LOL, if I were I'd threaten to send Gurkhas with one of their curries :lol:

I've never understood this macho thing to need to prove yourself by eating hot curries, beer and annoying the Indian waiters.

God knows I have nothing against drinking beer and annoying people, but, I draw the line at spicy food.
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I like spicy food and I like sushi. I don't intend to stop eating sushi, but I will be paying more attention. Thanks for the links.