5 types to avoid in relatonships

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
So I came across this article on Yahoo's main page and I thought I would post it. One of them hit really close to home with me. Number 5 to be exact, the person who blogs everything (and I mean everything) about your relationship. Got to the point that I was getting emails from strangers asking me where I got this bottle of wine, or bawling me out about some fight I had with the chick. I'm a pretty private person so seeing my love life plastered all over Live Journal really freaked me out. Anyways, enjoy. http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/5-types-to-avoid-in-relationships-483821/

  1. The Umfriend: Someone who always introduces you as an acquaintance of nebulous status, as in, "This is my...um...friend." Your companion may suddenly downgrade you from new girlfriend/boyfriend status to an umfriend when they unexpectedly bump into a recent ex who is either heartbroken-slash-psycho or someone your companion would like to get back together with (sorry, sucker).
  2. The Method Dater: Someone who adopts your personality traits and beliefs, in the process losing their sense of self. It might seem flattering at first, until they morph like a chameleon into a less convincing version of you, reminding you of everything you hate about yourself.
  3. The Serial Dater: Someone who tries on relationships like new outfits and handles breakups with eclat, occasionally shedding a single tear if it seems right. They like their monogamy in brief, intense bursts. They leave their baggage at home. They like long walks on the beach, but they’re not particularly picky who’s holding their hand by their side -- it’s just nice to have company, ya know? So you never know if they're really into you or just the idea of you.
  4. The Commitment-phobe: A person who's afraid of commitment, settling down (or just plain settling), intimacy, monogamy, "attached strings," obligations, ultimatums, or anything else that restricts their freedom to sleep around without responsibility. We're know they're sexy as hell, but the 100%-guaranteed break-up will hurt like hell.
  5. The Blogger. For the record, we're still talking only about those bloggers who publish self-indulgent diaries as a sort of poor man’s insta-therapy, replete with poor spelling, gratuitous sexual minutiae, rants about exes, rants about you, gushing over a new crush, "photos of me," more rants about you, a blow-by-blow of last night’s fight, "a photo of my new tattoo," and even more rants about you. Unless you actually like the idea of your every niggling argument being adjudicated by the masses.
How does anybody put up with the loss of privacy? When my dh and I argue, I think it's disrespectful to go around telling all about it even to my own family/friends circle, let alone strangers on the net. Some people need to be taught about boundaries.
That's pretty much what ruined the relationship. I would ask her not to, and yet even my asking her not to would end up apart of the blog entry. The worst is surprising her with a romantic evening then getting emails about it from strangers! People need to understand boundaries more, I think the internet has enhanced people's voyeuristic tendencies as well as people's need for attention and one is feeding the other.
That's pretty much what ruined the relationship. I would ask her not to, and yet even my asking her not to would end up apart of the blog entry. The worst is surprising her with a romantic evening then getting emails about it from strangers! People need to understand boundaries more, I think the internet has enhanced people's voyeuristic tendencies as well as people's need for attention and one is feeding the other.

Soooo....ahhhh...what's the link to this blog??
I got tied up with an unfriend. I always got the impression that she was looking for a better deal and did not want to scare away potential replacements.

After I got rid of her, she got mad. According to her friends, she had always been the one to drop the guy- suddenly. I suspect I was right about her intentions.