3rd Annual WKKA Tournament

Rob Broad

Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
3rd Annual WKKA Tournament
19 February 2005
EuroCan Hotel & Convention Centre
1485 London Road
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Kumite, Forms, Weapons, Self Defense, Team Fighting, Demo Team Competition, and an Obstacle Course for the little ones.

Plus there is a Seminar with Joe Palanzo 10th Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo the night before. Form more informaton contact Faron Whiteye, Turtle Island Martial Arts Academy (519)542-4426 or email pwhiteye@yahoo.ca

Hope to see you there.
It would really be nice to meet some of teh people from MT at this event. It is the perfect place for beginners to come and give it a try at their first tournament.
I'm heading to London for WKA March 19th....i'm going to pass up this one due to other commitments.
Good luck and have fun
ps..I do tkd..so i don't even think this is a tourney for moi...just thought i'd respond so you knew someone was reading! :D
Being an open tournament it is for everyone. If you don't mind me asking, what is WKA?
The tournament and seminar were great. Everyone had a good time. I am really proud of my students who endured the long trip in a car with no heat, and no radio, nad then did the seminar friday night and were raring to go saturday morning. They both won trophies at the tournament, and had a great time.

It was also great just to see some old friends and of course make some new ones, as well as meet some people I have coprresponded with online but nevermet face to face.
I had fun judging and meeting some new peole as well.
The Whiteyes are great people!


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