2nd FMA FestiVAL


First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! It sounds like you pulled off a great event.

Will you let us know when the DVDs are done and how it will translate into US dollars?

Dan Anderson
Dan Anderson said:

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! It sounds like you pulled off a great event.

Will you let us know when the DVDs are done and how it will translate into US dollars?

Dan Anderson

Hi Dan,

thanks for the congratulöations.

The prices are, according to the exchange rate of now, which is very unfavourable for the US, meaning, it will get better in the future, are:

29,90 Euro = 37 US$
49,90 Euro = 62 US$

Till soon

Hello everybody,

finally, after a lot of work, solved problems during the production and after using 130 GB harddisk space, both videos/DVDs of the 2nd FMA-Festival, “The Gala” and “The Seminar”, are finally completed and ready for sale.

The 2nd FMA-Festval was with over 600 participants the largest FMA-seminar ever held worldwide. Over 20 FMA systems are presented on the videos/DVDs. They are an excellent tool for the propagation of the FMA.

So if you were not able to attend, this is an excellent way to get an impression of the festival.
In the "gala" video/DVD, all exhibitions presentet that night can be seen completly. On the "seminar" video/DVD, all 18 instructors of the festival are presented for about 5 minutes each. For 77 hours FMA were taught during this weekend, each instructor can only be presented this way.

The content is as follows:

"The Gala":

0:00:00 Trailer
0:03:10 Welcome
0:05:00 Welcoming message of the philippine Vice-Consul Thomas Auxilian
0:07:50 Messages from the Philippines
0:11:50 Filipino dance group Silayan
0:14:30 Eskrima Pangamut
0:18:42 Modern Arnis
0:27:40 NECOPA
0:35:40 Lontayao Kali
0:40:00 Dog Brothers Martial Arts
0:42:40 Ancestral Filipino Fighting Arts
0:46:55 Lapunti Arnis de Abanico
0:51:20 Kali / Sikaran
0:54:35 Roland Dantes
1:06:15 Felices Kaliradman
1:11:30 Inayan System of Eskrima
1:16:00 Balintawak Arnis
1:21:50 Tribute to the Masters
1:25:10 Final
1:34:00 End

"The seminar":

0:00:00 Trailer
0:02:30 Welcome
0:06:20 The training
0:06:30 Guro Visayo Balinado - Eskrima Pangamut
0:10:20 Guro Bob Breen Breen - Inosanto Kali
0:16:50 Senior Master Roland Dantes - Movie Stunt Coordination
0:19:35 Guro Marc Denny - Dog Brothers Martial Arts
0:26:30 Guro Bob Dubljanin - Pencak Silat - Escrima
0:32:30 Master Samuel Dulay - Modern Arnis
0:36:30 Masirib Guro Jeff Espinous - Kali/Sikaran
0:42:00 Punong-Guro Julio Felices - Felices Kaliradman
0:47:15 Bram Frank - CSSD/SC
0:54:00 Guro Raoul Giannuzzi - Lapunti Arnis de Abanico
0:58:30 Punong-Guro Krishna Godhania - Warrion Escrima
1:03:00 Masirib Guro Emanuel Hart - Inayan System of Eskrima
1:07:10 Datu Dieter Knüttel - Modern Arnis
1:12:00 Guro Udo Müller - Inosanto Kali
1:16:50 Guro Wolfgang Müller - Lameco Eskrima
1:20:40 Grandmaster Bobby Taboada - Balintawak Arnis
1:25:30 Guro Sonny Umpad - Visayan Corto Cadena Escrima
1:30:10 Grandmaster Tony Veeck - NECOPA
1:35:00 End

They are available on VHS and DVD, in german and english and the english VHS/DVD versions are also available in the american TV-standard NTSC.

The retail price is 29,90 Euro each Video/DVD. The set-price for the seminar and gala together is 49,90 Euro. Following are the US$ prices at the current exchange rates: 29,90 Euro = 36,50 $; 49,90 Euro = 61 $ , plus the shipping costs, which is 10 $ to the US.

If anybody is interestred, just send me a mail to


and we proceed from there.

Hope to hear from you soon

Best regards

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
Mabuhay Datu Dieter!

congratulation on making what must have been a great and historical show. If is good to see fma popular in other countries. Well done.

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