25 rules to help women understand men

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary Crawford
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Chronuss said:
...that's just cold. :waah:...I keep saying I'm still a kid, but damn...what friggin' hat did you pull that out of....crikey.
Noooo quit your cryin'! :lol: LOL you're not an ugly baby you are just the tester for the slaps, and that was just my guess so hmmm.... I guess not huh? :uhyeah:
KenpoTess said:
MJ.. *snorts* you're baaad~!!
:rpo: :lookie: :angel: They sit on my shoulders, and say things to me, and ya know sometimes, not always, but sometimes, The Big "D" can be very persuasive! :uhyeah:
mj-hi-yah said:
you are just the tester for the slaps, and that was just my guess so hmmm.... :uhyeah:
...don't think I wanna think about any situation where I'm gettin' slapped...well, there was that one ti-.....er...yeah...no situations I wanna think about. :D
you've prolly seen this... if men and women were electronics...
