23 1/2 hours and counting...

:wavey: I am going to admit to only reading the first line. I haven't had coffee yet and will read the rest later! I just wanted to post my congrats to you Erik. Good Job!


:highfive: :high5: :highfive:
Thank you for sharing your story - hopefully, it will (as it should) inspire others who have had to overcome blocks to their goals, but still persevered! :asian:
Man..... all I can say is, you EARNED that belt, Erik... and for my money, a couple of higher dans as well!!

Congratulations, congratulations!! We say `mind over matter' all the time, but you've really lived it.

Go get some rest and recovery, and then do some major, serious celebrating!!

:highfive: :highfive: :highfive:
Well, you passed just about every test known to man. CONGRATULATIONS! Quite a story, and I've a feeling it will serve you well down the road when encouraging others who are nervous about their first Dan tests. Spectacular job, and a seriously talented recounting of events. Again Bluekey88, Congrats!!! :ultracool
Wow! That's some test! (and a great story). But it's the "earning" of it that makes it so valuable and sounds like it was everything you've been waiting for. Congratulations!
Congratulations. That is awesome.

Hey now! Comparing a 240 pound man to the Spruce Goose!?!?!?! I'll have you know that I resemble that remark!!!!
Have fun, do well, and enjoy the moment!

(Have someone take a lot of pictures and video to preserve this occasion, and share with us later) :ultracool

See you on the other side!

CM D.J. Eisenhart

Well, here you are.... on the other side. How does it feel to be a Black Belt? Has it really sunk in yet?

I don't know if you had much fun and enjoyed the moment, but it sounds like you did well!

I hope you got some good pictures to share with us here soon.



BLACK BELT means different things to different people. The question is, what does it mean to you, now that you are one?

CM D.J. Eisenhart
Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Here are some select photos from the test...I'm the big sweaty guy :D

Here's us doing forms (Taeguk Il-Jang I believe)

Here's us doing more forms (Probably Taeguk Oh-Jang)

Knife self defense

2 on1 sparring

more 2 on 1

This is where I busted up my bad gout foot and realized that I needed to work on my left foot breaking techniques in the future...ouchie

Here is the follow up break...an angry flying side kick

Here's the whole group. Notice that I'm now wearing a see-through dobok :D I think it'll be all the rage next season.

Here's me with GM Soon Ho Chang

Well, here you are.... on the other side. How does it feel to be a Black Belt? Has it really sunk in yet?

BLACK BELT means different things to different people. The question is, what does it mean to you, now that you are one?

CM D.J. Eisenhart

Welp, I'm enjoying a warm sense of satisfaction at the moment. I got to wear theb elt officially yesterday at comp team practice. That was nice. I was one giant all-over body ache yesterday as well...today I feel pretty good. Not sure that I'm any better at TKD than before...but hey, one significant milestone down.

As far as what it means to me. I had to write an essay on just that topic (I actually did 2...one before my injury and one after). BB seems to have a different meaning for me depending on my life circumstances. I have to say right now it's all been about indomitable spirit. All I know is that I'm eager to get back to training and am glad I'll finally be able to move forward in our curriculum. I'm also looking forward to further personal research into various aspects of MA (poomse application for one, synthesizing some of my Aikido and other MA expereince more organically with my TKD...pesonalize my style more)...maybe do some cross-training if I can get the time and $$ together.

Also, now I can really focus on supporting my wife and daughter as they move forward towards their first BB tests in the next year or two. :)

"See though uniform" LOL. That's the best kind!

Assuming you're going to upgrade your uniform to a competition type, you'll find them more forgiving and less clingy. (If not just as "see through") but that's a topic for elsewhere and I digress. My apologies.

Give the gout foot a rest, relish the moment while you can, and again, congratulations on your major achievement!
Great pics, Erik. Thanks for sharing. :)

Is a see-through uni what people mean when they say it's good to be 'transparent'? Uh, wait, I think they mean have the courage to let your vulnerabilities show. :D Well, at any rate, you do that very well, too. :asian: Again, a hearty congrats!
Congratulations Erik! That was quite a test! I also enjoyed the self-deprecating humor!


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