Blue Belt
World T'ai Chi and Qi Gong Day is April 25 this year. Are there any events planned in your areas?
In Olympia, the local Taijiquan practioners have been gathering at the flag poles on the east Capitol Campus. A number of groups show up. We begin by practicing together the main forms of our different styles (for the group I'm with that would be the Dong Family Slow Set). The groups then take turns demonstrating other forms and leading the entire group through Qi Gong.
It has been a lot of fun. Usually, my teacher and a few others in our group miss the event because they are at Master Alex Dong's 9 day workshop out in the high desert of Utah.
In Olympia, the local Taijiquan practioners have been gathering at the flag poles on the east Capitol Campus. A number of groups show up. We begin by practicing together the main forms of our different styles (for the group I'm with that would be the Dong Family Slow Set). The groups then take turns demonstrating other forms and leading the entire group through Qi Gong.
It has been a lot of fun. Usually, my teacher and a few others in our group miss the event because they are at Master Alex Dong's 9 day workshop out in the high desert of Utah.