we see ourselves in others
let me tell you a story that pertains to this subject and the quote I put above.
There is a guy that comes to our school once in a while. Let's call him Fred. Fred and I met a few years ago at a school that I later became a teacher at. At the time I was just a guy who visited the school and kept very much to myself about my ranks in my system and my experience in Martial Arts in General. Right away he treated me like I was some begginer that knew absolutely nothing about the arts. He spoke to me like I was a child and didn't listen to a word I said.... he was so caught up in his own "Godliness" that he didn't even comprehend anything I said. Basically... he treated me poorly. A few months later when I was revealed by the head master of the school as having instructor level in Wing Chun and was asked to completely take over the Wing Chun instruction at that school.... Fred never said a word and soon after left the school.
I taught at that school for almost 2 years before opening my own school. I always preach that humility is something we all need to master. That, from the lesson of Great Grandmaster Yip Man..... for every mountain there is a bigger mountain.
Well a year and a half later my school is doing well and always being complimented on the bahavior and friendliness of our students. We even added a new instructor.... let's call him Elmo.
Elmo is a certified Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do and Kali- escrima instructor and one heck of a great guy. One of the nicest guys I have ever met. The type of person that makes you feel wonderful within minutes of meeting him. He's warm and engaging and he really knows his stuff. Well one day Fred comes to the school and meets Elmo and they talk for a while about this and that.... all related to martial arts. this went on for a few times more and about 2 weeks later Fred says to Elmo....
"You know, when I first met you I thought you were very arrogent and conceited.... a real "know it all".... but now I think you are a great guy once I got to know you." I was standing right there when he said this and Elmo was surprised. He couldnt believe that someone thought that he was this way being as he goes out of his way to be nice to everyone he meets. He is a Taoist after all. In my mind I was laughing because the first thing that popped into my head was the phrase I put above. When YOU yourself have a personality flaw, you often see it existing in others and usually they do not have the flaw you think they have. Your own perception plays tricks on you. I spoke with Elmo about it and told him about my first encounter with Fred, I told him the story about my first meeting with Fred and we both got a laugh out of it.
Now... not to contradict myself......... there is a twist to this. I saw something in Fred when I first met him...... so judging by my earlier statment it would mean that I was really seeing myself..... but here's the twist. If what you first saw never changes then it is truth. Meaning.... if the person is a jerk..... he's a jerk..... nuff said. Fred has always had that persona about him.... it has never changed. Elmo, from day one has been an awesome person to know.
So what I have to say is this: don't judge a book by it's cover. Get in there and train. They might turn out to be your best friends. Think of it this way. Disney Co. goes out of their way to be internationally accept. They study every culture to make sure that their employees don't offend anyone unknowingly. For example: when someone from Disney points to something they use two fingers (the index & middle) the reason? In some cultures it is a GREAT offense to use only the index. Also, they are taught to never show the souls of their feet...... why? same thing.... some cultures find it offensive. BUT.... with all this research they still manage to anger some poeple and get critism for it. Why? because you can't please everyone all of the time. Sifu Redmond's school is a respected school and known throughout the world for thier excellence. But not everyone is going to like them. Should they worry about it? I dont think so........ they should just continue doing what they do. In the words of the Tao Te Ching:
"Seek others aproval, forever become their slave." what does this mean. It means they are NOT seeking Mwolfe's aproval. They have knowledge he wants. He has a choice on whether he wants to be a mature adult and put personal feelings aside to dig deeper into the REASON he is there. I'm sure once he does.... he will see that they are actually cool poeple.
ok ok... this was way longer then I originally intended. I hope it made sense. In closing all I can say is this. If you express your feeling about them and they find out.... they will not like it. They will even think you are being inpolite, rude and may even choose to avoid training with or teaching you. My advise...... train with them. If you don't like it.... leave.
good luck
