Green Belt

1st NOGI (TM) tournament
Aviation Park Sports Complex
1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
Redondo Beach-CA 90278
Medals for 1st and 2nd Places
Kit No Gi Brazilian Fightwear for 1st places
Weigh In:
Friday , July 8th 2005
Time schedule
9:00am to 1:00pm/ 2:00pm to 7:00pm
Weigh in Locations:
Tinguinha Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy
1035 N. Armando St. Suite K
Anaheim-CA 92806
Map It
MC Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy
Impact Gym
1400 Aviation Blvd.
Redondo Beach-CA 90278
Map It
Professional Division:
2 Divisions
Max. 4 Competitors per category
All interested in fighting please contact tournament organization
Todays top fighters superfights
Tournament Fees:
Competitors- $50 dollars
Spectators- $8.00 dollars
The deadline for registration is at Wednesday July 6th 2005
The deadline for the fee payment is at the weigh in, July 8th 2005
All competitors will receive a tournament`s T-shirt upon registration.
Picture ID will be needed at the weigh in.
Online registration will be available at
Contact Info:
Mauricio "tinguinha" Mariano
(714) 630-62187
Fx: (714) 491-6679
Marcelo Cavalcanti
(310) 722-4999
(310) 379-9153
Hotel Information
Quality Inn & Suites
Jeff Michael
General Manager
901 Aviation Boulevard
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Phone 310-374-2666
Fax 310-379-3797
Tournament Schedule
All Beginner Adult & Women - 10:00 am
All Intermediate - 11:00 am
All Advanced Master & Women - 12:00
All Advanced Adult - 1:00 pm
Professional Division - 3:00 pm
All Finals Advanced Adult - 4:00 pm
Super fights - 5:00 pm
Medal/Prize Ceremony for Professional Division/Advanced/Superfights - 6:00 pm
Adult (18 to 35 years old)
Master (36 & Up years old)
Women (17 to Up years old)
Adult Division:
Beginner- Less than 12 months
Intermediate- 12 Months to 36 months
Advanced- More than 36 months ( 3 years)
Master Division:
Beginner- Less than 12 months
Advanced- 12 months & more
Women Division:
Beginner- Less than 12 months
Advanced- 12 months & more
Time Limits Adults:
Beginner- 5Min.
Intermediates- 6 Min.
Advanced- 7Min.
Time Limits Masters:
Beginner- 4 Min.
Advanced- 6 Min.
Time Limits Women:
Beginner- 4 Min.
Advanced- 6 Min.
Divisions Adult/ Master:
147lbs. and below
148-160 lbs.
161-173 lbs.
Super Middle
174-187 lbs.
Light Heavy
203-215 lbs.
Super Heavy
214lbs. & Up
Divisions Women:
123.50 lbs. & below
123.51 to 146 lbs.
Over 146 lbs.
Point System:
Takedown to guard: 2 points
Takedown to side or mount position: 3 points
Sweep or reversal on legs: 2 points
Passing opponents guard: 3 points
Mounted position: 4 points
Back control w/ hooks or triangle: 4 points
(All positions must be held for Min. of 3 seconds)
Ilegal Techniques
* Striking of any kind
* Eye gouging or fish hooking
* Hair pulling
* Small joint manipulation (finger & toe locks)
Neck Cranks
Neck Cranks- Are ilegal in all divisions except advanced.
The Can-opener can only be used to open the guard.
Once the opponent`s legs are opened the Can-opener must
be immediately released.
No Slamming will be tolerated. This is to avoid slamming to
escape the guard and various submissions from the guard.
A competitor will be immediately disqualified.
Leg Locks: Legal Leg Techniques
Beginners: Straight ankle locks.
Intermediate:Straight ankle and straight kneebars.
Advanced: All leg locks are legal.
Beginners- Straight anckle lock.
Advanced- Straight anckle lock & knee bars
Bicep & SlicersBeginners
Only adult advanced may use these techniques.
*Running from fight- Minus 1 point
*Stalling- Minus 1 point (on 2nd warning)
*You or coach arguing with referee- Minus 1 point
Winning by
*Submission or points
*Referees decision
(determined by aggressiveness,Submission attempts,takedown attempts and top position)
Referee Coordinator
Gerson Sanginitto