Always remember that weight and speed don't go together. I don't like slow speed training, but weight force me to slow down.
I agree, but the speed that I'm going at is not me trying to punch as fast as I can. It's not a speed develop exercise, it's a strength one. When I work on speed exercises I don't use weights..
I like the brick exercise you showed. What type of thickness should the brick be? Should my hand be more like tiger or more like crane for the brick or does it matter? Speaking of grip, tonight I did something unexpectedly.
I needed a pot of water tonight, so I grabbed one of pots that I have that looks like this and I grabbed it with one hand with my thumb on top and my fingers under the bottom of it and I started to fill it up with water, a few seconds later as this things is filling up, I'm playing with the water making it go around in a circle and it wasn't until the pot was full of water that I realized I was holding this pot with a steady hand and could not feel the weight of it.
I think I could have drank water out of this pot similar to how one would hold a cereal bowl and drink milk out of it. Normally when I fill this pot up it's a two hand job and I always feel the pot get heavier as more water fills it, but today is was steady, my hand didn't drop one bit. The result of my training has been surprising me by making some of the everyday things I do easier. Lifting awkward 30lb and 50lb bags of soil are much easier now. A lot of the stabilizing muscles in my back are stronger from the exercises I've been doing on my walk. I still put those bags on a truck when I get home and wheel them out to where they need to be. I have had too many injuries because of lifting those bags, so I don't push my luck. It's the awkwardness of the bags that makes the lift difficult. Then if it rains the soil inside the bag is usually wet. This past weekend I moved 4 bags with no problem.
A fully loaded trash bin like the biggest one here is easier to pull and push I still feel the weight of it but not like before. Now it just feels half full. All this may not seem remarkable, but it's good news or me after almost a year on the "injury list." I'm still nervous about my hip though. I'm scared to shuffle other than walking with weights, I haven't been doing anything to prepare my hip for that lateral movement. I'll probably ease into that as well. Maybe incorporate some lateral movement on days when I walk with my staff.