I know there are some people of the list that study the Inosanto blend kali method. A while back I remember reading some discussion on the Sumbrada drills. Not sure if it was MT or maybe the escrima digest. Anyway I was wondering if you could help me out.
A friend loaned me an old grainy video tape of an Inosanto seminar from back in the 80's. (My wife walked in while I was watching it one day and asked "How can you watch that? The sound is terrible and you can't tell who's teaching") Anyway I can tell who it is. However Guro Dan is talking about how there are 12 levels of Sumbrada. And he states that #5 is Punyo Sumbrada.
Years ago I studied JKD/Kali before I switched over to the Presas Arnis methods. And I vaugely remember about hearing of 12 levels of Sumbrada, in my notes from that instructor I believe I have down completely different levels. So now I'm wondering what the 12 levels are?
He doesn't go into the rest of the levels at this seminar, at least I haven't seen them. Just wondering.
A friend loaned me an old grainy video tape of an Inosanto seminar from back in the 80's. (My wife walked in while I was watching it one day and asked "How can you watch that? The sound is terrible and you can't tell who's teaching") Anyway I can tell who it is. However Guro Dan is talking about how there are 12 levels of Sumbrada. And he states that #5 is Punyo Sumbrada.
Years ago I studied JKD/Kali before I switched over to the Presas Arnis methods. And I vaugely remember about hearing of 12 levels of Sumbrada, in my notes from that instructor I believe I have down completely different levels. So now I'm wondering what the 12 levels are?
He doesn't go into the rest of the levels at this seminar, at least I haven't seen them. Just wondering.