
  1. N

    Introducing women to Martial Arts

    Are there any books, movies or other media anybody recommends for introducing women to martial arts? Getting them interested? For my purposes, it's a specific individual I have in mind, I don't mean women in general, but that might work too. I will add that this individual would probably be less...
  2. A

    "... just wanted to talk"

    He just wanted to talk. Then he wanted a hug. This woman's story is a must-read for men. posting because this is one of the most frequent issues coming up in women's SD classes and conversations. Please describe your _ specific_ instructions for women/girls who present with this issue. I'm...
  3. Anarax

    Muscular Women Double Standard

    In the US there is a very prevalent double standard for muscular women. This goes beyond personal preference or what an individual finds attractive. As a society we seem to shun the look of a muscular woman and discourage it. This can be seen in television, movies, magazines, etc. Let's narrow...
  4. Anarax

    Sparring Women

    Over the years I've sparred many women. Just about all of them were respectful and great martial artists. However; there are those few that wish to take things up a few notches, which I'm all for. The problem lies in their urge to want to up the intensity but when you increases intensity they...
  5. A

    Encouraging Women to Train

    There are no female students in my school. I used to think this was just how things go in martial arts schools but after seeing a lot of the posts here as well as spending more time cross training with instructors at other schools, I'm noticing that this isn't the case in other schools. The last...
  6. WingChunChick

    Transgenders in martial arts

    I'd like to preface this thread by saying that I respect people of all sexualies and gender identities and I hope everyone can have a nice discussion on the topic. That being said I've had to train with a few transgendered people over the last few years and although they are good martial...
  7. S

    How to fight back if someone pushes you down?

    I am a college girl and recently got into a situation (it didn't go very far but it kind of freaked me out) and I realized I have no upper body strength to force someone off me. I always assumed if it came to it I would be able to get out of a situation if I really wanted to (dumb I know). Is...