
  1. Ivan

    Should I focus on one area at a time or multiple areas?

    Hi guys, I've recently returned home from Scotland to stay with my family for Christmas and New Year and went back to the gym that I usually train at when I'm here. I'd recently been working a body-lock pass for BJJ and it's almost at the point where I can use it comfortably; I just need to tidy...
  2. Ivan

    Weak points in the body you exploit?

    What are some weak points in the body you personally prefer to exploit, in sparring or a self-defense situation? From experience, I never really target specific spots. When I am in the heat of the sparring match, I go for what's available and I am either trying to wind my opponent by hitting his...
  3. Diaitadoc

    Yang Taiji Application Project

    Hello everyone! I’ve been practicing traditional Yang Taiji for about 15 years. Early in my training, I practiced form and push hands equally; then moved cities and took a break from partner practice, continuing forms practice on my own. Recently, I’ve gotten a group together to explore and...
  4. A


    Search out in Youtube a video about Russian Krav Maga. It looks beyond belief. And I have a question, of course. Does it work and exist in reality or Krav Maga is applicable only for videos? Wanted to start Krav Maga but I'm not sure if it is not just a waste of time. Especially, for girls...
  5. D

    Traditional MA's flowery impractical techniques

    Inspired by Bullsherdog. We hear a lot about TMA being full.of impractical, flowery, unrealistic and straight BS techniques and methods. For this thread I'd like to try to list them and the problems with them and yes, if anyone can actually use said bs techniques the defence of them would...
  6. Reedone816

    principle in sentence

    Hi, its been years since I posted. Just wondering, if other MA, modern or traditional, has similar teaching principal with ours, which is in form of sentence. just for example: "straight against oblique, oblique against straight". one of the application of that is like when we receive attack...
  7. Reedone816

    principle in sentence

    Hi, its been years since I posted. Just wondering, if other MA, modern or traditional, has similar teaching principal with ours, which is in form of sentence. just for example: "straight against oblique, oblique against straight". one of the application of that is like when we receive attack...
  8. S

    What Makes a Sword Style Functional?

    This is for all the practitioners of all the sword techniques (HEMA, Fencing, Kendo, Iaido, Krabi Krabong and more) out there but what do you feel makes your particular or any sword style functional in actual/simulated combat? What does your particular sword art base their foundations in; do...
  9. HopelessWriter

    Looking for the perfect technique!

    Hi everyone, I love Martial Arts(especially Tae Kwon Do), but unfortunately have had next to no formal training. My main passion in life is writing and I've hit an almost indestructible wall of writer's block. I want to use the most realistic methods in my stories, but I'm at a...
  10. A

    Sipalki Jumeog Bi Kwan: Il Su Derion(fighting a step)

    Students practicing techniques.