
  1. G

    5 Badass Kung Fu Fighters Who PROVED That Kung Fu is Legit

    Hey guys. New here. Just wanna post this video to see what are your opinions on kung fu. Is it practical and lethal or do you disagree with others in saying that it is bullshido?
  2. EMT

    Muay Thai combinations

    A thread to share your favorite and most effective Muay Thai combos I'll start with my favorite 4-count combos: (Left) kick to the body + cross + jab + (right) kick to the body Jab + cross + (Left) hook + (right) leg kick Cross + (left) elbow + (right) short hook + (right) elbow Muay Thai...
  3. EMT

    Muay Thai combinations

  4. EMT

    Muay Thai combinations
