
  1. Pedro sanchez

    Inferior guy pulled a knife on me , how do i overcome shame ?

    Hi everyone . So a year back , i was snacking in a public market , when a young guy in he's early 20s joined the snacking ; Then this clumsy young adult came in and was probably on recreational drugs , with 2 long scars across his cheeks. After this , the young guy suggested politely to the...
  2. Pedro sanchez

    What is my biological age range from these pictures ?

    I am curious about what you guys think of my biological age compared to my chronological ( to reveal later) ? Face photo : Full body photo :
  3. Pedro sanchez

    According to my weight/height ratio , should i lose more than 8 kilos ?!

    My doctor said i should lose at least 8 kilos for some health concerns basically NAFLD steatosis. According to this picture i am at 140 kilos 188 cm , and i would like to know if i should lose more.
  4. Pedro sanchez

    Can't believe i got schizophrenia after 4 years of successful kickboxing experience !

    Hello everybody. I am 33 years old man now and I have nice souvenirs with full contact kickboxing , which i practiced since i was 20 until around 24 yo . So after that period of time i developped a mental illness called schizophrenia between 24 and 26 yo , which forced me to stop my training...