A thread to share your favorite and most effective Muay Thai combos
I'll start with my favorite 4-count combos:
(Left) kick to the body + cross + jab + (right) kick to the body
Jab + cross + (Left) hook + (right) leg kick
Cross + (left) elbow + (right) short hook + (right) elbow
Muay Thai...
I've noticed that there is a lack of sites with Kickboxing combinations on the internet. And Kickboxing is like a younger brother to Muay Thai so I had to do something about it. I wrote this post with a brief list of simple and more advanced Kickboxing combinations. I'm thinking about writing...
Posted this video on the "favorite combos" in General Martial arts talk. It's me doing a combo that I have used before in sparring, plus some jumping round kicks.