brazilian jiu-jitsu

  1. D

    ONE Championship's Mikey Musumeci and the art of leg locks

    Analyzing the leg locks of Mikey Musumeci ā€” one of the highest level jiu-jitsu grapplers in the world today.
  2. O

    Am I caring about others too much?

    So I've started training BJJ 7-8 Weeks ago, so you'd call me the new guy right? That's what I thought. However, I've been left stumped recently with my training and how well its going; let me give context. - I'm the only White Belt with no stripes. - I have previous experience in Karate and...
  3. D

    From Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to Japanese Jiu Jitsu

    I recently gave up on Brazilian jujitsu. I love the sport, but my body is mangled - cauliflower ear, scar tissue on my eye, beginning of arthritis on my finger/hand. This is after only 3 months of consistent training. I am interested in Japanese jujitsu, but there just isn't any information...
  4. Isaiah90

    Why BJJ will get you beaten or killed in self defense

    Here's an explanation why people should stop teaching BJJ for self defense. Little to no striking - BJJ has little to no striking. BJJ claims that you can subdue an attacker peacefully without striking or kicking. The problem is that if you have to avoid strikes and kicks to counter them, your...
  5. Isaiah90

    Starting modern self defense school in NC

    Starting my own self defense school in NC. Trained martial artists and untrained peeps are welcome to join. With years of self defense training, hereā€™s what i have to offer. Diversity - What makes my lessons unique? Thereā€™s no ā€œsetā€ system of self defense training. Instead, i invite a diverse...
  6. U

    Want to learn self defense? Advice or tips?

    Hi, So I'm new on this website and I thought it would be a good idea to ask for self defense advice. I did taekwondo for six years and wing chun for 10 months. And fitness kickboxing for two months. However, I still am not confident these styles will help me as I'm sure you know that they...
  7. S

    Short feature on BJJ

    Hi, just sharing :)