Why do I find multiple Japanese kanji for the same words in English?


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would i be correct in summising that the lack of intelect m in this post means you have tatoos ? if not you really should get one so you can be spotted from a distance
would i be correct in summising that the lack of intelect m in this post means you have tatoos ? if not you really should get one so you can be spotted from a distance

Considering the lack of intellect displayed in your posts, you wouldn't be correct in surmising anything, I'd wager, though yes, I have had a tattoo for 40 years, as a few here know.


i have dislexia, ive not however, fortunely got a need to ink my body to make make up for a lack of self confidence, personnaly i think i got the better end of that deal

You see, that right there is ignorance "need to ink my body to make up for a lack of self-confidence."

Along with

well yea, totoos are the preserve of the emotionaly imature or people in crisis, its also fairly likly that if or when they gain emotional maturity and stop being in crisis they regret it, this is a poll of the numerous peopke i know with tatoos.
.this of course depends on what they have had tatooed and where as to how much they regret it and how soon.

grown men or women who are proud of their tatoos are rare and are all most with out question at the lower end of the iq curve

this is self evidently true if you look around and mingle in circles where tats are the norm

Many people have many different reasons for getting tattoos. Some of them, like Dwayne Johnson's., which I posted, are purely cultural. I tend to think "serrvice" tattoos fall into this category as well. I've seen people with memorials for departed loved ones tattooed onto their arm, and yes, some are, simply, decoration.

The fact that a wide spectrum of society, high and low, sports figures, businessmen and academics, police, firemen, mothers and fathers, have tattoos pretty much negates every statement you've made here and reveals it to be a pile of bigoted ignorance and sweeping generalities that have no place masquerading as "intellectual discourse."

And now, I shall break wind in your general direction.
You see, that right there is ignorance "need to ink my body to make up for a lack of self-confidence."

Along with

Many people have many different reasons for getting tattoos. Some of them, like Dwayne Johnson's., which I posted, are purely cultural. I tend to think "serrvice" tattoos fall into this category as well. I've seen people with memorials for departed loved ones tattooed onto their arm, and yes, some are, simply, decoration.

The fact that a wide spectrum of society, high and low, sports figures, businessmen and academics, police, firemen, mothers and fathers, have tattoos pretty much negates every statement you've made here and reveals it to be a pile of bigoted ignorance and sweeping generalities that have no place in intellectual discourse.
oh well at least you stopped posting pictures of bunnies, so youve already improved as a person , i was rooting for you

so, in what way does dwains tat disprove my point,

as far as i can follow it he was a performer in fixed fight and now he is a performer in bad films, so he has spent his adult life pretending to be something he isn't.

tell me how that shows he has self confidence and emotional maturity? actors are notoriously neurotic, but im not even sure if he counts as an actor or not ,no one would pay him to act, if he didnt have big muscles, that alone must threaten his self worth
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so, in what way does dwains tat disprove my point,

as far as i can follow it he was a performer in fixed fight and now he is a performer in bad films, so he has spent his adult life pretending to be something he isn't.

tell me how that shows he has self confidence and emotional maturity? actors are notoriously neurotic, but im not even sure if he counts as an actor or not ,no one would pay him to act, if he didnt have big muscles, that alone must threaten his self worth

Well, he's Samoan, and that's a pei'a. I won't get into all the spiritual significance of it, but culturally, it's just the opposite of what you've said: a symbol of high-ranking, and a literal representation of the road of his life, something with deep meaning to him, his family, and those who are capable of understanding.

So you don't really have a point.
Well, he's Samoan, and that's a pei'a. I won't get into all the spiritual significance of it, but culturally, it's just the opposite of what you've said: a symbol of high-ranking, and a literal representation of the road of his life, something with deep meaning to him, his family, and those who are capable of understanding.

So you don't really have a point.
but all the bozzo that have a manchester united tatoo, will claim the same, thats it hhas deep meaning and represents an act of worship and their road to fulfilment,, thats largely coz they are simple minded, tell me how dwains spiritual fullfilment by tattoo is fundementaly different?

your just elivating one cultural norm over another
im strugling with your rational here, people who realise that the tatoo was a mistake and spend thousands recifying it are possers?
Yup...they wanted to be cool, and follow what was popular, for the sake of popularity...that's a posers.
Yup...they wanted to be cool, and follow what was popular, for the sake of popularity...that's a posers.
well thats people who have tats in general

people who relise that it achieved non of the above, in fact it made them look a complete idiot and try to recitfy their mistake, shouldnt be single out as the ones with the personality disorder, when the reverse is true
well thats people who have tats in general

people who relise that it achieved non of the above, in fact it made them look a complete idiot and try to recitfy their mistake, shouldnt be single out as the ones with the personality disorder, when the reverse is true
No, it is just the posers, that have the personality disorder. Getting a Tattoo for some is an actual lifestyle. It sounds as if you think that lifestyles you disagree with, and all the people in those lifestyles, have mental disorders.
No, it is just the posers, that have the personality disorder. Getting a Tattoo for some is an actual lifestyle. It sounds as if you think that lifestyles you disagree with, all the people have mental disorders.
yes, they are either weak willed and follow as others are doing or they have some fundemental issue with self image that they think it will embelish them in someway

or really creepy, they think inking themselves show commitment or love or desire, that the people who really have issues,

do they really think they love their mother or child more than me coz they have the name on their arm? or are more commited to ma coz they have,karate on kung fu on their arm, its really really odd, that they cant show commitment with out

i had a girl friend who had my name inked on her bum to show how much she loved me, she was an exgirl friend very soon after.

that fatal atraction level of neuroses
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yes, they are either weak willed and follow as others are doing or they have some fundemental issue with self image that they think it will embelish them in someway

or really creepy, they think inking themselves show commitment or love or desire, that the people who really have issues,

do they really think they love their mother or child more than me coz they have the name on their arm? or are more commited to ma coz they have,karate on kung fu on their arm, its really really odd, that they cant show commitment with out
Yeah it's a lifestyle issue with you. Really you could say the same about anything, like people that ride motorcycles, joining an MC. Or, just simply riding around on one, when a car will suffice. But, they will give all kinds of excuses as to why they ride....so it must be a mental disorder.

Not putting down MC's, I am using it as an example of a lifestyle that seems crazy to others.
Yeah it's a lifestyle issue with you. Really you could say the same about anything, like people that ride motorcycles, joining an MC. Or, just simply riding around on one, when a car will suffice. But, they will give all kinds of excuses as to why they ride....so it must be a mental disorder.

Not putting down MC's, I am using it as an example of a lifestyle that seems crazy to others.
i was in an mc, and yes tats were common place, i didnt at all feel i had to get one to fit in or that the experience of ridding motorcycles was in anyway enhance by having triumph writen on my arm

i refused to wear my colours, that iritated them a lot more

i still see them now, there all in their 60s with spiders web tattos on their heads, it never fails to amuse me, they dont look at all fierce, just stupid
i was in an mc, and yes tats were common place, i didnt at all feel i had to get one to fit in or that the experience of ridding motorcycles was in anyway enhance by having triumph writen on my arm

i refused to wear my colours, that iritated them a lot more

i still see them now, there all in their 60s with spiders web tattos on their heads, it never fails to amuse me, they dont look at all fierce, just stupid
Yeah you seemed to have missed my point. If you belonged to an MC...some would say you have mental issues or that you never grew up.
Yeah you seemed to have missed my point. If you belonged to an MC...some would say you have mental issues or that you never grew up.
well i was very young 22 ish, when i grew up i left, i didnt really want to join to be honest, they had a strict command and control structure that didnt at all meet with my exspectation of freedom, which lead to quite a lot of conflict when i refused to take instruction

they asked me if i wanted to prospect and i refused, as your just a rubbing rag, so they let me join as a full member . you had to spend your whole time looking mean and being unconunitive with non members it was quite exausting, it was however extremly usfull for picking up rock chicks, which is the main reason i stuck it for a couple of years or so

some years later i was in a club with my wife and they were their looking mean and one of the newer members way laid my wife on the way to the toilet, i was baring down on him with murder inmind when he saw me he looked roubd for his club members they had all quickly moved away
well i was very young 22 ish, when i grew up i left, i didnt really want to join to be honest, they had a strict command and control structure that didnt at all meet with my exspectation of freedom, which lead to quite a lot of conflict when i refused to take instruction

they asked me if i wanted to prospect and i refused, as your just a rubbing rag, so they let me join as a full member . you had to spend your whole time looking mean and being unconunitive with non members it was quite exausting, it was however extremly usfull for picking up rock chicks, which is the main reason i stuck it for a couple of years or so

some years later i was in a club with my wife and they were their looking mean and one of the newer members way laid my wife on the way to the toilet, i was baring down on him with murder inmind when he saw me he looked roubd for his club members they had all quickly moved away
Ok great story.