The Art of Letting Go

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
The Art of Letting Go

The Daoists have a name for this: wu-wei. Wu-wei is non-doing. Action through inaction. The Dao De Ching suggests, "Through nonaction nothing is left undone." [3] It recommends following the path of least resistance: "Act without action; work without effort, taste without savoring." [4] Consider your own breath: it is easy to exhale, to let go of the breath. It is the yang-portion of the breath, the inhalation, that requires effort, but exhaling is simply relaxing the muscles of inspiration. We let go of the breath and it leaves us. We don't have to try to exhale: we allow it to happen.
Your thread comes at a good time in my life, thanks..............
That is a good thing to do, but aren't there times where action is necessary?
Certainly. It doesn't mean you NEVER act. Otherwise no one would ever do anything. Action with no action to me means EFFORTLESS action, if that makes any sense. It means if you act when the time is right, there will be no resistance.

I draw this parallel: in wing chun, if I go to hit someone and there is something blocking my attack, I don't keep trying to attack the same spot. I redirect to where the opponent has an opening.
If only more people could learn this and practice it day to day . So many hold on to anger and hurts . I like the little Buddhist saying . " the person who holds on to anger like he would a hot coal, only ever ends up burning himself ."

As I close in on 46 I have been so thankfull that I have found ways to release the hurt and anger I have felt. Sure it takes work , but anything worth
doing is worth working at.

Thanks for posting that.


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This can be applied to so many things. Don't oppose, just go with water.

You could be hung up and mad all day over the fact that you met someone who was against abortion while you are for it...or you could realize nothing you can do will change their position anyway and simply move on.

To me, that's what letting go is all about.