

Master Black Belt
Feb 1, 2002
Reaction score
Århus, Denmark
Originally posted by Turner

If going by the movies, what killed vadar?

I felt that it was his air support. Openning his helment broke his air support. And he became like a fish on land. He slowly suffecated (sp?).

But I really don't care. I just enjoyed......



Well I assummed palpatine intentionaly killed him. reason is 1: palpatine is realy freakin strong with the force. seems like he would be strong enough to kill someone (even a jedi) with little difficulty, I assummed he was just toying with luke. Also when vadar picked him up and the lightning was hitting him it looked alot diffrent. when he would get shocked you could see large portions of his skeletal structure outlined.. I assummed palpatine was pissed and upped the power. Another thing was vadar seemed somewhat better, after he stood up from loosing his arm he seemed like he had mostly recovered (went from barely being able to stand to throwing his master down a big pipe) but after he threw him he looked like he was wasted.. Oh well.. I guess you would probably also assume palpatine could have flown out. being so strong with the force.. and considering yoda could lift an X-wing and luke could lift C-3po in his chair..


Master Black Belt
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Yiliquan1

First, the disclaimer -

However... :jedi1:

There are blatant Taoist and Buddhist overtones, and it is subtle, though not surprising, that much of the instructions he gives fall perfectly in line with qigong training doctrine from various schools of thought. ...I have seen some rather interesting things, and it is noteworthy that the Jedi are reputed to have many of the same abilities that qigong practitioners are alleged to be able to develop...

If anyone is interested, I have a Word document...

This is an excellent Thread. I too should visit the Locker Room more often. I came in here to post a pet peeve and I may still do it. I think one of my teachers may also have quoted Yoda in class. "Do or Do not. There is no try."

I want to say that I largely agree with this post. From what I know of QuiGong, it is about the only equivalent we have for "telekinisis, flying, mind reading, using the force... etc" and that the Jedi have this and some obvious sword training.

But so help me, Yoda is a Wushu Master in Clones. I may not even watch Episode 3 I have been so disappointed with the last 2 and with Yoda's Wushu Display.

Lucas was also quoted as saying something like "This is Northern California, we're all Buddists up here" and the Jedi philosophy does seem to be very closely related to some of our Eastern Philosophy's of Earth. I don't know them well-enough to say which.

So they seem to have a close Earth equivalent philosophy.
Some Earth-like sword skills.
Some Earth-rumored skills of prophecy...
And some other movie skills like Telekinisis, "Super Jumping" and such.

If I wanted to be a total geek and pick the Earth stuff that most closely resembled the movie stuff, I'd study:

-QuiGong/ChiKung which also seems to have some flexibility and acrobatic elements that would be useable in addition to the mystery energy stuff,
-some sword art (Chinese Broadsword, Tai Chi Long Knife (?), Fencing and/or others),
-Accupuncture because of it's healing/energy training and the ability to use that knowledge of energy training to apply to both healing and combat
-and then of course Kenpo because all of what Mr. Parker taught about movement and where to hit and when to hit and why and how is pretty readily translated to weapons and if I knew Mr. Parker's real Sub-Level 4 stuff maybe there would be some funky Jedi powers in there as well.

All the rest about how to build a lightsaber, how to speak to an alien in his tongue, etc I would have to leave up to "movie/jedi-do."

I also want a copy of that document. I'll try to email you about it.


Master Black Belt
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Turner

You are right.. Most of my information is from books and so forth.. where Luke partially killed Vadar....
If going by the movies, what killed vadar?

Is it "Vadar" and not "Vader" in the books?

Anyway, I say Darth Vader died because of some or all of the following reasons:

1. The Emperor was using his mastery of the force to keep him alive, partially as an unwilling zombie slave as potentially aluded to when Vader tells Luke "If you only knew the power of the Dark Side."
(I've only seen the movies and I'm going from memory here but I think in Jedi Luke is begging his Dad to be good again and Darth says something like this to help Luke understand that it is futile to try to turn Vader back from the Darkside)

2. Vader was ready to die and "let his lifeforce go" because:
a) the Emperor was dead and/or Vader was "saved from the Darkside"
b) and/or because he knew now that Luke was also saved from the threat of the Darkside/Emperor
c) and Vader felt he could now rest in peace because of one or more of the above.

Again, an excellent thread. Thanks.

Matt Stone

Master of Arts
Dec 4, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Lewis, Washington
Not meaning to get too far off the track, but in vampire mythology, it is often said that the thrall vampires may be released of the vampiric curse if the original vampire is slain... Might go a bit toward explaining the way Vader was suddenly among good graces with the Force when Luke finally managed to kick his but...

Just a thought.


Master Black Belt
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Yiliquan1

Not meaning to get too far off the track, but in vampire mythology...

Just a thought.

You are not off track. I was thinking along those lines when I wrote my post, although I had no knowledge of this phenomenon other than what I may have picked up when AD&D was a game still played on paper in the presence of other people.
Uh, like I, um, saw my Dad do! Yea! Not that I am anywhere NEAR that old!


Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Ok, this ones a bit off the wall, but... -IF- the Star Wars universe were reality, which martial arts do you see as being part of a Jedi's training?

Looking at the technical books, etc, latest info on the Jedi arts have them as master swordsmen. Count Dooku however is reguarded as a fencer. Which sword arts would fit in here?

In the books about Episode2.. They stated that Count was the baddest.
He was old school fencing when it was light sabre against light sabre ..
The new school was all about blocking fire power not blades..

This is one of things I was disappointed in about the movie, that he basically used the same movements the younger Jedi used.

BTW Chris Lee comes from a fencing background. His Dad was military champ when Chris was a teenager.. If you check some of the Muskateer movies he was in, his stuff looks better than the rest...

Gene Gabel::asian: