Instructional Judo DVDs?

I don't know if they are any good, but the Keith Schwartz line of dvd's is on sale at Century for $6.99 per dvd.
Click there to see them.


Nuts, I missed the sale. I've viewed one of the Schwartz videos, and I think it's excellently filmed. I was able to teach myself a couple of the throws with it and the book BEST JUDO. When I cross-trained with a judoka friend of mine, he commented that I had a good basic "grasp" of the material.
The Russian judo series is great, there is quite a slew of options. As grappling is the hot thing right now, don't go for gimmick names and stick with stuff that has good review and is just basics.

Though there is no equal to a good coach.

Aaron Fields
You MUST, MUST, MUST check out - by far the best. *edit* I dunno if they sell DVDs but it's a great online resource.
I also have heard how great Swain's stuff is. His Complete Judo DVDs seem to be the best buy. This is a steal:

I have come so close to ordering that set many times. The price is the best I could find on the web. The only thing stopping me is that I don't do judo specifically. But it looks worth picking up regardless of what you do.