Colors in the Etheric field?


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Some view the etheric body as being smokey-white and undulating, others claim there is a tint to this field. I'm also aware of others who see the etheric as being part of a prism surrounding the body, that the etheric and auric fields follow gradations of color.

Those of you who have ability to sense etheric fields, what is your perception?
What is an etheric field? Is sensing this feild something anyone can do or something you are born with?
I haven't done much research into the Etheric field but if memory serves me correctly it is, in simple terms, the bodies energy field. Many practitioners of Reiki can see the bodies energy field and see where it is "hurt or harmed" thus being able to help heal their wounds.

At least that is what I remember, I may be mixing it up with something else, however.

Shesulsa, am I close? :idunno:
The "inner aura" which is closest to the actual physical body always appears as a kind of pearly-ish white color to me...
I see the etheric body as a very light grey and then on the outside of the etheric body, the first layer of aura colour, which differs from person to person. My son is gold, I have a pale indigo colour and so forth and so forth. Having said that, I see an additional colour around the head which differ from the the first auric colour, but lets not get complicated.

I cannot usually physically see the rest of the colours of the aura. When I do, it is spontaneous and normally not more than an extra one or two colours.

I never try and see the auric colours of others without permission because it is an intrusion in their privacy.

In order to see other people's aura you need to relax and let go. Try not looking directly at the person but slightly off to the side. I enjoy watching priests auras when they are giving a sermon. That is a very simple way to pick up an aura and it is fairly easy to do as they are passionate about what they are saying. Getting to a higher level with it takes some more relaxing and practice. Everyone can do this with a little practice it really is not that hard. However it helps to have someone teach you.
Thanks everyone for your answers. I've never heard of this before...or at least I've heard similar claims but they were always psuedoscience. Where does this knowledge come from? Is this a Reiki thing or is it something else?
Use your bowser and type in auric sensing. You will get quite a few hits.
It is in Reiki, shamanic traditions, christianity, etc. You will find it in my opinion in all religions and healing traditions.

While I am not a free soul person some of Pete A. Sanders Jr. books are pretty good for beginners.

I had the fortune to be taught by a relative. From there it is just practice and experience. Wish I could help more.
Use your bowser and type in auric sensing. You will get quite a few hits.

I tried, but I didn't know what I was looking for in particular, so I felt that I couldn't sift the wheat from the chaff.

It is in Reiki, shamanic traditions, christianity, etc. You will find it in my opinion in all religions and healing traditions.

While I am not a free soul person some of Pete A. Sanders Jr. books are pretty good for beginners.

I had the fortune to be taught by a relative. From there it is just practice and experience. Wish I could help more.

Interesting stuff, thanks for the resource.
IMO these beliefs "work" in the sense that it is used as an imagery tool for relaxation and the very physical (vs. spiritual) effect it has on the bodies systems.
IMO these beliefs "work" in the sense that it is used as an imagery tool for relaxation and the very physical (vs. spiritual) effect it has on the bodies systems.

Kind of like an "induced" placebo effect? Real in the mind, but not physically real?
glenn j morris has a book called path notes of an american ninja master and it has exercises that help with the development of this gift this might help with the development of it and explaining its applications for a martial arts practitioner