CMAC took my Dojo and my money



Dear reader,

CMAC - Classical Martial Arts Canada took over my Dojo just a few weeks ago, including my students, my money, and all the time and effort I spend building the dojo from scratch.

I guess this is what you get for blindly trusting your own Sensei...never thinking at any point he could betray you.

The organization is CMAC - headed by Wally Platt, and his director Patrice Williams...

Currently I am in legal battle to regain control of my Dojo. The worst of it is I am starting find, through research, that I am not alone, that CMAC has done this several times before, taking peoples Dojos or their monies...

Believe it or not, we even have an article going back to 1993 which states Wally Platt took $250,000 from one of his students...

"...In August, a Toronto judge told Platt that he could avoid bankrubtcy by paying ....... $175,000 by the end of the month. ( This amount would have covered the secured portion of the $250,000 loan.)

he did not come up with the money and automatically went into bankruptcy."

If anyone has had any bad dealings with CMAC, Wally Platt, or Patrice Williams...please post as it will help me with my legal battle.

Yours in Budo,



Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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I am confused in how a person or organiztion
could take your business away from you?

Maybe if you explaned what happened and how it
happened you could help others to avoid this
situation themselves?




Thank you for your response.

Here is the longer version of the story:

I had intention of opening a Dojo in the Beaches area of Toronto. I found the place and met initially with the landlord.

I told patrice williams and we began the process of drafting a lease.

at the time I did not have a company incorporated, so patrice said no problem just put the lease under my name "in trust for a company to be incorporated"...I can prove the fact that in trust was in fact me since the lawyer who drafted the lease can testify to that fact.

my monies were also deposited into his bank account, I have a cheque stub, cahsed, for $10,000 for a license fee to CMAC Toronto, as well as a cheque stub, cashed, for $4280 to CMAC Toronto. as well as other monies I deposited to patrice's bank account...

once my company was incorporated I informed patrice to go ahead and transfer the lease to my name (as originally agreed), and also to open a new business account under my name (as agreed).

instead of the agreed response, patrice called and left a voicemail saying if I wish to do this I will no longer be a part of CMAC...and that he no longer wanted to be responsible for the money or the dojo and that we should meet to go over the paperwork and come to a solution (so he says)...

a couple of hours later he came to my dojo and a) tried to push me physically out of the door as he tried to close the door on me, b) when I asked him why he was doing and the fact that we have an agreement (verbal)this he simply said we had an agreement and no much for teaching us "your word is your bond"

currently I am going through the legal way to regain control of my Dojo...and every little bit helps, unfortunatley since then I have met quite a few peole who used to be with CMAC and have gone through similar troubles with CMAC...

CMAC is nothing but a scam artist and a bully...

if you have any information which could help me, I would appreciate it..



I think that the best you can do is get some of your money back because they did provide a service for which they were contracted to do. There may be a non-refundable portion of the franchaise/license fee but they have to provide you with their end of the bargin. Since they pushed you out I am not sure they did. However, you asking to get out of the contract might have voided it as well. You'll have to see a lawyer.


Originally posted by Narbeh

Dear reader,

CMAC - Classical Martial Arts Canada took over my Dojo just a few weeks ago, including my students, my money, and all the time and effort I spend building the dojo from scratch.

I guess this is what you get for blindly trusting your own Sensei...never thinking at any point he could betray you.

The organization is CMAC - headed by Wally Platt, and his director Patrice Williams...

Currently I am in legal battle to regain control of my Dojo. The worst of it is I am starting find, through research, that I am not alone, that CMAC has done this several times before, taking peoples Dojos or their monies...

Believe it or not, we even have an article going back to 1993 which states Wally Platt took $250,000 from one of his students...

"...In August, a Toronto judge told Platt that he could avoid bankrubtcy by paying ....... $175,000 by the end of the month. ( This amount would have covered the secured portion of the $250,000 loan.)

he did not come up with the money and automatically went into bankruptcy."

If anyone has had any bad dealings with CMAC, Wally Platt, or Patrice Williams...please post as it will help me with my legal battle.

Yours in Budo,



do you have lawyer? if yes what did he/she said
if not get one!


Sounds like a messy situation. Not a lawyer, so I just wish you good luck in your situation.


Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
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Bangkok, Thailand
Holy shiznit. I feel terrible for you and all but my warning bells would have gone off when I was told to put the lease in his name...and why pay so much money to be part of his organisation? Geeze, I just dont know. I'm way to untrusting to do any of the things you did but I really do feel bad for you. People gotta realise the only person you can trust is you, why is it when we are victimised we are always shocked and surprised? The world is not a nice place no matter what your parents told you. You have to live accordingly. Sorry if my post seems harsh, Im not trying to be.....I just hate hearing about nice people taken advantage of and I kinda wish you werent all so damn nice.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD


I'm not familiar with that word?

Actually, it's hard to tell what went on because we're only getting this guy's side of the story. I have to agree with Damian becaise to just give this guy so much money sounds weird. I think there must be more to this story as to why they did it this way.

The big problem sounds like because this guy was your teacher you trusted him. When going into business you should always do a credit check or some background check on the partner and have it in writing. You would have been better off to do this and not been where you are now.

I don't know why people have this messed up idea that martial arts persons are all honourable etc. It's bullsh*t like that that makes people easy prey.


Black Belt
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Oct 20, 2001
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chicago area
As the Chicago mafia used to say; "This ain't personal. It's just business."

Business is business. Always know what you are getting into. Always get a LAWYER!!

It's a good lesson that everyone should learn. It's just unfortunate that Narbeh had to learn the hard way.

not again

The guy you are talking about is Howie Hamilton and Platt took him for a lot of money in the early 80's

Hamilton did bankrupt Platt and did break up the don Warrners organization as it was called then.

Hamilton is in the phone book and does investigation work these days and perhaps would like an opportunity to review this.

The trustee for Platt Was Carl rumanek and the detective who nailed him was Jim Valade.

How do I know this ? I was one of the other students that Platt took a lot of money from and Hamilton freed me and 32 others to start our lives fresh.

I could easily see someone falling under Platts charm as that is all he has going for him.

He is no more an 8th degree black belt than i an a fireman.

It is self given or ordined by Sensei Irwin who perhaps platt paid to get it but it really means nothing in the karate world.

He is the laughing stock of the karate world for years.

Ever wonder whjy no organization s want to deal with Platt?

As to the Master key it is not his and was staken from his ex wife whom he terrorized for years.

The master key was hidden from the bankruptcy as i just found out a few years ago when my son started training in Burlington.

Keep tuned as i am wanting to seek out Mr. Hamilton as perhaps he might take an interst in this and help recover some of the monies taken..

If not then contact the police or Revenue Canada.

If Williams or Platt owe you money consider bankruptcy for them.

In other words stand up and be counted and don't be brain washed,

Funny every ten years someone has to come along to put Platt in his place, Who will it be this time?/
my money is on hamilton if i can reach him.

Please help me put Platt where he belongs " behind Bars"


also you might consider going to the press or writing an editorial to a news paper. The best way to protect people from a con is to let them know about it.

not again

If you were to go to the hamilton post you would find a big article front page on Hamilton beating Platt.

the true Martial artist is hamilton not Platt as he is fake,

i know as i trained with him for years until i questioned his methods and then I was gone.
a true con artist.

not again

Find hamilton and u will find the help you need.


everyone should also take a look at the following sites to add your comments to...

the more people are awake and know what is going on within CMAC the harder it will be for CMAC to take advantage of others...

also check out yahoo groups under goju

the more people come forward and volunteer information the better.

not again

For your information, Wally Platt is still bankrupt according to Carl rumanek the trustee whom helped hamilton put a nail in his coffin.

I'm willing to bet that today he has nothing in his name and uses his flunkies to cover up his funds. There r only a few of them from
the old days of Warrners.

As to your present situation, there r laws in Ontario to cover this and if not go out and make new law.

I have also found Mr.Hamilton who now works for Forensic Financial Investigations Inc and this is right up his alley.

Should you know of anyone who has been ripped of by Wally Platt or one of his fklunkies, feel free to contact Hamilton for a free consultation .

His phone number is : 416.806.6620 and his email address is:

[email protected]


Master Black Belt
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Zoran

As the Chicago mafia used to say; "This ain't personal. It's just business."

Business is business. Always know what you are getting into. Always get a LAWYER!!

It's a good lesson that everyone should learn. It's just unfortunate that Narbeh had to learn the hard way.

I would like to remind everyone that my link as the sponsor of the School Management forum offers a program that will give you a Law FIRM on retainer for a Low monthly fee. Even in parts of Canada. I know this service can help people in situations like this, but like Karate lessons, you need the stuff BEFORE trouble starts.

From a business standpoint, it is tax-deductible and frequently pays for itself on the first use. There are many aspects to this program.

Please contact me directly if you wish. I frequently hear stories like this as I meet with clients. Good luck.

not again

4300 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 30
Woodbridge, ON, L4L 4C2
V:416.806.6620 F: 905.690.4056

Canadian Martial Arts Centre
5014 New Street Unit 6
Burlington Ontario
L7L 1V1
RE: Illegal use of The MASTER KEY PROGRAM
Attn: Wally Platt

Wally Platt:

It has come to my attention over the last few weeks that you and your organization (CMAC) have been advertising “The Master Key” on your CMAC web site. As well I have been advised that you have personally held at least three seminars each year for the last five years. I further understand that your directors also use the Master Key in their programs.

A quick check on your website (CMAC) confirms your use of the Master Key.

My question to you and your organization (CMAC) is by what right do you use this program???????

My documentation shows that you transferred The Master Key program and all its rights (copy attached) to your now ex wife Laurie Chaisse on June 1, 1991 for $1000.00.

Your Ex wife Laurie Chaisse sold me this complete program on September 10, 1997. To this date I have the full documentation and the original tapes for The Master Key.

Therefore you have no legal or moral right to use The Master Key Program in any capacity.

Where did you get the tapes you are using?

Please forward immediately to the address above to my attention any and all copies of the tapes in your possession and in the possession of your directors and anyone else associated with you including family members and your current significant other. Should you fail to respond accordingly, I shall ask the police to initiate a search and seizure of both your premises and residence as well as those of your member dojos and their residences.

I am told that this is a serious breach of the law and will be addressed if necessary by both the police and the courts once the extent of the damage has been determined. I am told that there may be more than just monetary damage here.

Further you are to remove any and all reference to The Master Key from your website. You are also to advise all members of CMAC and your other affiliated companies that they are prohibited from using The Master Key program without my expressed written permission. A copy of your instructions to all your associates is to be mailed to the address above within 72 hours.

Finally as I was not aware that you were using The Master Key; I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not responsible in any manner for its current content and your interpretation of such material.

Should I search their sites and find that The Master Key is advertised in any manner, each and every one of your associates with be prosecuted in a class action to the full extent of the law, and needless to say with you included.

As all funds from the Master Key program are both morally and legally mine, I do hereby request a formal accounting of all funds received from the program along with a list of all participants from each program. As accounting records are required to be kept for a minimum of 4 years (unless you have written permission to destroy them), I cannot see that this will present any insurmountable problem. Should this present any problem, please advise me and I shall retain one of our Forensic accountants as well as asking The Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (Special Investigations Division) to assist with the analysis. Please be sure to instruct your other members within CMAC to do the same, as I am aware of many of the other dojos doing these seminars in the last few years. In addition, I have in my possession certain documentation that I can verify against what you and your associates forward to me.

May I remind you that there is still a debt owing to me personally from you in excess of $250,000.00? A quick call to Carl Rumanek, the trustee in bankruptcy for you, confirms this and the fact that you are still in a bankrupt state.

I would also like to point out that in all those years since 1991, you have not made any effort whatsoever to prepay this just debt.

In order to avoid any unnecessary legal ramifications with this matter, I would appreciate a meeting with you immediately to review this letter and hopefully arrive at a satisfactory solution. The meeting can be anywhere of your choosing and at any time.

Should you not be willing to meet and cooperate, I shall have no choice but to proceed with both civil and criminal charges against both you and many members of your CMAC organization.

To ensure other member of your organization are aware of this letter I will be sending under separate a copy to each registered dojo on your website and also to a few select websites that you are mentioned on.

To ensure I remain in good health, a copy of this letter is being sent to both Detective James Valade (who originally arrested you) and Carl Rumanek the original trustee in your bankruptcy.

Should I not hear from you within the next 5 working days, I shall proceed as outlined with no further notice to you, your directors, your affiliates or students.

Please govern yourself accordingly.

H.J. (Howie) Hamilton CGA

CC: Detective James Valade
CC: Carl Rumanek Trustee in bankruptcy
CC: Sean Dodds


White Belt
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Word is that Platt did it again in 2006 took a bunch of money from a very well off martial arts prefessional.

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