Nice video using Fiore

is it wise to trap the blade with the arm? o_O
thanks for sharing. while i'm learning from japanese and korean sword arts, this is a nice additional insight.
is it wise to trap the blade with the arm? o_O
thanks for sharing. while i'm learning from japanese and korean sword arts, this is a nice additional insight.

Yes, it's quite safe. You can even grab the blade. It is well documented in historical manuals. The following video shows how it is done:

Thanks for posting this, very interesting stuff.
Glad you folks liked it. I don't do much Fiore, being a die-hard Liechtenauer disciple when it comes to HEMA, but I quite enjoy seeing it nonetheless. I've puttered around with his manual for fun, but I can't claim to do it justice at all. It has a certain fluidity to it that I love.